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I kinda feel like I'm loosing my mind a little bit but, after I create a shell script I cannot execute it from osso_xterm. it just keeps responding with "sh: /user/home/scriptname: not found"

this is pretty basic stuff so I can't seem to figure out whats wrong. I already checked the owner/creator/perm stuff and chmodded it to executable. I just can't seem to figure out what the heck is wrong. I mean, I can ls -l on that directory and the script is clearly there. any ideas?

just for reference I'm trying to set up a script I actually found here for bringing up bluetooth pan since.. well nokia apparently thinks its eh... . not that important *rolls eyes*.
Posts: 264 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on May 2006
what is the filename?
Is there an extension i.e. .sh?
Is it in your $PATH? or are you specifying the full pathname?
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d'oh. ignore my lameness.

i did the slashdot thing and didn't read the post properly before replying.

Last edited by fnordianslip; 2007-12-22 at 01:27.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Los Angeles
Originally Posted by BanditRider View Post
what is the filename?
Is there an extension i.e. .sh?
Is it in your $PATH? or are you specifying the full pathname?
I was just about to reply to your reply when I started thinking "what if.."
that was 2 hours ago.. I still dunno what was actually wrong but I did manage to get things working. I copied and pasted the contents of the original script into a new file, moved it out of /usr/bin and into ~/ and chmod +x on it and viola.

I dunno, freakin weird. even got my bt pan on my blackjack to work with my n810 eventually. hottness.

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