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I have placed the code I have been playing with on

IT IS NOT COMPLETE!!! but, you can play pacman.... read the README.

Thanks to Chainsaw76 (Jason), who donated the space.

xmame.SDL is compiled from xmame-0.103
Makefile is the Makefile that I altered (it goes in mame-0.103/)
unix.mak is the Makefile that belongs in src/unix
xmamerc belongs in /Root/home/users/.xmame
default.cfg belongs in .xmame/cfg

The .xmame directory is created the first time you run xmame.SDL
Which you have to run from xterm

/directory where you placed xmame.SDL $ ./xmame.SDL romname

The roms are stored in /Root/home/users/MyDocs/.documents/.games/mame/roms

The escape key ( and also the full screen button) serve to end the game.
arrow keys correspond to directions
home key is button 1
zoom in is the start button
zoom out is the coin in button

Now the bad news....
*A different verion of mame needs to be used. This one is huge and slow.
*The sound doesn't quite work right. (I think the sound type needs to be declared in the Makefile.)
*The home key works but the immediately reduces the mame window.... so that doesn't work.
- I am sure there is someway to shut off the default action... but I don't know what it is.

So, currently you can only play pacman, or other games that only use the joystick

If you know how to fix this or want to try anyway, look on in the games forum.

Posts: 81 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005

Sorry, but there is no way to turn off the default action of the Home key without modifying one of the osso binaries that ships with the firmware, and you can't do that without having root access (besides needing to change the source code). So basically, the Home key isn't for application use. Perhaps you should use the the zoom in and zoom out buttons for buttons 1 and 2, respectively. The action button (in between the arrow buttons) could be used for both the start and coin buttons. The coin button would correspond to a short button press, and the start button would correspond to a long button press (i.e. the button is held down for longer). Alternatively, add a toolbar that can be enabled/disabled, and the toolbar would have buttons for start and coin. And, don't forget the fullscreen button, which you might want to use if your application is always in fullscreen mode. And there is also the menu button.

Posts: 39 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Newport Beach, CA
Great Job on the Mame port GeekDoc!!! It is a little beta (I think it there is a memory leak) but definitely playable on select games. ie. Ones that don't have a fire/jump/action button.

So far, I have gotten the following few games to work (with required roms listed and rough FPS):

Pacman or Puckman -, 16.6 fps
Pacman Plus - 15.4 fps (probably needs the pacman roms listed above)
Ladybug - 19.4 fps
Frogger - 11.1 fps
Super Q-Bert - 13.5 fps

All are very playable and it is frankly amazing that XMame runs at all on such a little machine.

The sound is quite good (a little coarse but workable) on these games actually. I think some games or gaming hardware that uses more sophisticated sound circuitry could bog down the emulator on the 770. Having an option to select lower sound sampling frequencies or ditching sound altogether could help with framerates and memory problems/crashing.

One note, on some games the initial "You must own this machine to play this ROM" warning screen asks you push left/right on the joystick. The graphics have been rotated 90 degrees clockwise, so left/right in this case is down/up. Once the game as started, the joystick controls are rotated appropriately.

I think some games won't work as they're not expecting a portrait screen orientation, but a horizontal one and thus won't run in the current orientation. It'd be nice to be able to specify which orientation you'd like the emulation to run to try to get some of these games. Is the screen orientation set at compile time or is there a command line parameter to set this?

A very promising start as there are many old school games that didn't require anything for controls except a joystick. If we can get some button remapping to get the select, escape or menu buttons to become buttons 1 and 2 then we'll have alot more titles to play. Albeit we're kinda stuck with the awkward D-pad on the 770, it really wasn't designed with heavy gaming in mind. USB Gamepad support anyone? : )

Once again, great work


Last edited by DaveC; 2006-02-15 at 11:16.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
oh boy !

i'm so excited. i will take a look if i've got old source for mame.
(in fact it is .031) that perhaps will b suffisant.
i will post it here if so !

for the moment i will give this a try.

incredible !

i will not upload the thing because all sources are here :

if they are not available, i can put it somewhere. just ask.

(i've a wish : to be skilled to port mame to 770 but i'm not)

good luck guys. you're doing wonderfull job to me !

Last edited by rjungmann; 2006-02-15 at 20:31.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Okay, Beta 2 is out.... button 1 and button 2 work
But.... they don't work while the arrow key is pressed.... :P

You only need to download readme.txt, xmamerc, and default.cfg

new key mappings are ---
The escape key serve to end the game.
arrow keys correspond to directions
zoom in is button 1
zoom out is button 2
full-screen is the coin in button/start


I am working on a faster xmame... but I am supposed to be studying for a license
exam so ... either don't expect it soon... or expect it later on tonight


Posts: 23 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
I was putzing around and managed to compile a version that literaly flies... the only
problem is that it doesn't play music.

Is anyone interested in this?
It is also much smaller (on the order of 10 Megabytes.)

.... side note... and I am going to post this in the developers section too.
I keep getting a can't open /dev/dsp error.
I generally use the SDL audio option... should I use a different one?
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Does it play sound but no music? I'd be very interested.. No sound at all? but flies? Still sounds worth it.

__________________ - Google maps sized for the 770 @ 150% - scroll below the map for features - Google UK maps - Pan and Zoom only. - Random Nokia 770 notes.

The Following User Says Thank You to Chainsaw76 For This Useful Post:
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Your wish is my command....

I compiled it with sound... but it doesn't work at all... no idea...
but seeing the difference I think you will agree that it is worth it.

You still can't use two keys at once... very very annoying... but you can go diagonally (which I did'nt think was mechanically possible on the nokia)

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Sound would be nice, but I was able to map the keys however I wanted. Using my BT keyboard and the tab key, I remapped the keyboard however I wanted. I was able to play joust, zaxxon. I have a bunch of roms I am copying over now to test out. You can also remap the 770 keys using the keyboard to tab and enter.

This is awesome, I still want an NES, SNES SEGA. But this is cool!!

Good work man!!

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I use the tab key to get into the key mapping. Then for button one hit enter. Then double tap on the screen. Now your stylus is the fire button.

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