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Does anyone think that the Tilt has anything over the N810? Do you think it will be a good trade?
Posts: 326 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I think I would take the HTC Tilt over the N810, just because it has a better camera (3MP vs. 0.3MP) and it is also a cell phone, unlike the N810. Or, it could be the fact that I already have an N800. ^_^

No really, I think the only downfall of the Tilt smartphone is that it runs windows mobile.
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This is a real hard choice. I love the tilt's form factor very unique. But I HATE windows mobile
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Yeah, I have used windows mobile for a few fews in the past and in the last couple of years I just quit completely. I will never be going back. It is kind of hard to compare two devices that were built and designed for two completely different purposes.
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For real man it always seems to freeze at critical times, however I cant bash windows all the way they do have some positive attributes
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Jan 2008
I don't think you can really compare these devices against each other, one is designed to be a smartphone and one is made to be an internet appliance/mini-computer. The resolution of the tilt is also much lower, along with no support for *SDHC, no GPS, Windows Mobile, etc. I definitely wouldn't pick it over the N810, unless you specifically needed GSM capabilities (along with the monthly fees assosiated with that). From a hardware perspective I think the N810 completely blows the tilt away, but that's what I think.
johnkzin's Avatar
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I'm hoping that the next generation NIT will use one of the couple of tilt screen patents that Nokia has.

What I'd really like to see is something like the screen of the Sidekick Slide*, only with the ability to tilt the screen anywhere along its travel path (so you can just tilt it instead of having a kickstand). I'd prefer that over the HTC/AT&T Tilt's format.

(* screen slides to reveal keyboard, side-boards don't slide, side-boards have buttons (dpad/trackball, function buttons, soft keys) that are usable whether the screen is "open" or not)
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the tilt does have a gps chip and support for sdhc.
as far as wich one to get, well do yo want 1box or 2. also windows mobile6 is alot nicer than the previous versions of the os. lots of improvements. dont forget triband umts/hsdpa plus wlan b/ more thing to consider- for watching video/movies etc the tilt is missing grafix excelorator(theres a class action lawsuit against htc for this ) from what i've read it makes watching video not a nice experence.

Last edited by jortiz; 2008-01-30 at 04:12. Reason: adding more words

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Originally Posted by jortiz View Post
the tilt does have a gps chip and support for sdhc.
Ah, OK. The site I was looking on said only "MicroSD" slot, and it made no mention of any GPS receiver. The tilt definitely looks like it has a better camera, which is nice (although that's not hard to do considering the very low quality of the N8x0 cameras). I don't know why Nokia can't put the camera from the N95 into the N8x0s. The N810 still has a much better screen. Also keep in mind that this is comparing a $1,300 device (MSRP) with a $500 device, at that price difference I would certainly hope it would be much better.

Also while I admit I'm not super familiar with Windows Mobile, I suspect that OS2008 et al. are more open, expandable, and flexible for software development. But if you want a 'real' phone, obviously the N8x0s are not for you (although the WiMax version could start to change that).

Last edited by CyberCat; 2008-01-30 at 04:37.
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If you're considering the Tilt Vs. an NIT, I would first say you should actually be thinking Tilt vs iphone or another Intelligent phone/device, to compare the 2 (tilt vs N800/810) just doesn't work.

I was this close to getting a Tilt a couple months ago, but instead went with the DUO. (at that time I believe the tilt was $399 list and the Duo $299 list (got mine considerably cheaper though) Realize the Duo is a lesser phone as it doesn't have WM6 Pro, touch screen, GPS, Wi-Fi, or that big MP camera. But I also already own an N800.

I'd not ever used WM6 (or prev. ver.) but had played with it on both phones, Pro has diff options etc. so WM6 vs WM6 Pro has some differences, but the overall experience is the same, EXTREMELY slow, and you have to go through umpteen menu's etc to do anything. One would probably not want to use a quote un quote smartphone all the time everyday.

I've used MS Windows since DOS/3.1 etc have some experience with dual boot Linux, not ever used OSX on a normal day to day basis (have played with it here and there) and I seriously can not stand WM.. You literally have to go through menu after menu after menu to do very simple things.

If I could do it all over again, I would either go with a Blackberry Device or Palm, hands down, and I can't believe I'm saying this but if today I could have 1 device and 1 device only I would get an iphone in a minute.

Have messed about with one a few diff times at the phone store and it totally blows away any MS mobile device and outside of doing anything command line driven etc. I think it has much better software then the NIT, the iphone is a really good device. I think Nokia does a much better job hardware wise but Apple just nails it with the software.

This is one reason why Apple has taken majority lead in mobile devices within a year or so already.

When Apple released the SDK for the iphone literally within hours there were hundreds of apps for the iphone/touch, and we are at about 3 years with Nokia and Maemo, and there are many apps but many times you have to jump through hoops to get apps to work.

This is one of the reasons why Linux on mobile devices (let alone desktop) will prob not ever pass or surpass MS, Apple, Palm etc,. Linux just isn't at this point ready for end users and the "everyday" user, people want simple point and click apps. At the end of the day Linux continues to be a tinkers' OS.

At the end of the day if you want a phone to pick up and call ppl and you also want to tinker with a mobile device I'd say then go ahead get a lesser phone and then an N800/810 or even an Asus EEE PC, but if you want 1 device to rule all and have easy access to programs, apps etc. then I'd have to say get an iPhone as much as this kills me to say.

(I just wish that here in the states we could get Nokia Smartphones and other phones through our Mobile provider, rather then to have to pay full price which is what we have now)
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