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Hi All,
I am in the process of picking a device for mobile surfing. I've already purchased a N95 which will share a HSPDA connection via either bluetooth or wireless and am currently looking at either the IPod Touch or the Nokia N800 for my surfing device.
My initial thoughts were to go for the IPod Touch due to it's supposed 'revolutionary' browsing capabilities. Unfortunately after a bit of digging I have identified a number of inadequacies with the device, primarily it's lack of support for Flash ( which is surprising considering Apple and Adobe's relationship ).
I know the N800 and OS2008 comes with Flash 9, but how does it handle playback of semi hiqh quality encoded video, for example that found on the BBC's IPlayer flash site: ? Is it able to handle playback without stuttering and is fullscreen playback available?
The fact the N800 runs on top of an open Linux kernel is making it look very attractive, however I want to make sure the underlying hardware can handle the tasks that I want to throw at it.


Posts: 30 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2008
the playback really depends on the quality/speed of the network you have access to - I'm at a certain south coast university (UK) and the network here at work is very quick, and the playback is very smooth on the BBC iPllayer.

I've also streamed video online from a webspace I have access to, and even at home it is smooth playback, no stuttering or slowing of the video.

I've also starting using the nokia n800 video converter (from which converts to specific N800 screen resolution, and is excellent (film typically 600-800mb) - excellent for the train or bus journey, and it pisses all over the ipod for video playback

Last edited by muppet; 2008-02-12 at 15:35.
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2008
That's bizarre, as on my N800, iPlayer is extremely stuttery, playing at about 2FPS. I'm quite sure it's not bandwidth, as on my PC (same connection) iPlayer is flawless.

I just figured the N800 can't decode the stream fast enough, but if yours is ok, then that's quite troubling.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007
BBC iPlayer performance is very poor on my N800 as well. I think it can just about handle YouTube, but anything that uses a higher quality flash video stream than that overloads it. iPlayer works fine on my old iMac on the same data connection...
tobiasj's Avatar
Posts: 241 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I would test this and add my .02 but since I am in the USA I am not allowed to stream using iplayer...
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008
Can anyone explain this? trying to get iplayer working on my n800...i'm also getting about 2fps. Is there any way to reduce the quality and increase frame rate?
uczmeg's Avatar
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iPlayer on my N810 is poor. Picture quality is excellent, but it runs like a slideshow...

Streaming videos from the BBC site, such as sport, seems to work pretty well. But the video quality is nothing like iPlayer.

It's not bandwidth. I have 20meg broadband.
Posts: 961 | Thanked: 565 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tyneside, North East England
Has anybody else noticed that BBC have now released Iplayer for the ipod/phone. This is the specs 400Kbps H.264 video, 116Kbps AAC audio.

a quick poke around has not revealed the address of the start page yet, but does anyone know if this'll stream better than the standad version, it couldn't be worse to be fair.

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Posts: 481 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Westcountry, UK
It is the same page as normal. you go there, it works out you have an iPod/iPhone and sends H264 instead. The quality is very good, although at the moment there isn't that many shows there.
Posts: 157 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Oxford, UK
The iPhone stream comes from a url such as (just replace the last element with the stream pid).
Sadly the Nokia media player just says 'file format not supported'.

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