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Posts: 14 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Toronto Canada
When first trying to install Grisbi the system refused advising 2 other files were required, namely Hildon-Libs0 and Libdbus-1-2. I located these 2 files in the Chinook repository and so installed Chinook and successfully installed Libdbus-1-2. However, when trying to install Hildon-Libs0, the system refused, advising "conflicting application packages" then on checking the 'details' was given "conflict with application packages: osso-af".
Would appreciate any advice as how to overcome this problem and, as I am a newbie to both the N800 and Linux, would also appreciate any advice to be as simple and as detailed as possible.
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Posts: 221 | Thanked: 182 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Central Illinois
I finally figured out how to install Grisbi on my N800 with OS2008. The trick is to add the Maemo Bora repository in addition to the Grisbi repository. First, open Application Manager and add the two repositories by selecting "Tools->Application catalog...":
Catalog name: Maemo Bora
Web address:
Distribution: bora
Components: free non-free

Catalog name: Grisbi
Web address:
Distribution: mistral
Components: main
Let the Application Manager update the package list and then QUIT the Application Manager.

Next install the packages in an xterm as root:
sudo gainroot
apt-get install grisbi
This will install libdbus and hildon-libs0 from the Maemo Bora repository as well as grisbi. Note that this will UNinstall osso-af, but from what I could see, that package only contained a couple of copyright and changelog.gz files, so I didn't think it was too important.

Grisbi isn't very easy to use IMO. You have to create a dummy account just to get US Dollars as a currency option, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to import more than just a couple of months (about 15 transactions) from a Quicken QIF file.
Posts: 398 | Thanked: 77 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by terrencegf View Post
Grisbi isn't very easy to use IMO. You have to create a dummy account just to get US Dollars as a currency option, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to import more than just a couple of months (about 15 transactions) from a Quicken QIF file.
I have 8 y ears of qif data that grisbi chokes on . . . we need a better solution

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