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Is there a way to disable the distinction between upper and downcase letters for handwriting recognition?

I've been a Palm user and it was much more convenient to use the same signs for upper and down case letter. N810's behaviour feels like a keyboard having distinct keys for 'a' and 'A'.

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Control panel > Text input settings > On-screen > Handwriting case correction
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either I was not clear enough or I misunderstand your answer:
I want to be able to enter the 'a' and 'A' with the same sign, but by switching to mode uppercase, just like the sift key does on a keyboard.

this option doesn't seem to enable this. My understanding is that it's for putting an uppercase at the start of a sentence.

Benson's Avatar
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There's no way to get what you want from the standard HWR input method.
The platform permits input plug-ins to be made; a graffiti input method could be made, with enough room for the various keys (that don't map into HWR glyphs) off to one side.

Unfortunately, no one has made one yet.
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It's hard for me to believe anyone at Nokia really took handwriting recognition seriously. It just didn't work well when I tried it, and I had been looking forward to using it. I think the fact that the 810 comes with a keyboard is a white flag of surrender on the handwriting recog front.
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Posts: 129 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Austin, TX
The option to capitalize the first word of a new sentence is
Control panel > Text input settings > Languages > Settings > Auto-capitalization

As for using the same character and using a "shift" key for capitalization, since the OSK doesn't have a "shift" key I don't believe this is possible.
Nokia 770 | N800 | N810 | N900 | E71
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Thanks for the response. the N810 is really great, but this limited handwriting recognition is a disappointment

Benson: any link on how to make such a plugin?

Posts: 118 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Feb 2008
The funny part is... in Garnet VM you get super-awesome Graffiti 1. It's such a relieve to use Graffiti 1 after having to wrangle with Graffiti 2 POS on the Palm TX... Kinda ironic...
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
It's hard for me to believe anyone at Nokia really took handwriting recognition seriously. It just didn't work well when I tried it, and I had been looking forward to using it. I think the fact that the 810 comes with a keyboard is a white flag of surrender on the handwriting recog front.
Handwriting works fine for me, as long as you take the time to correct the mistakes. It learns pretty quickly, at least with my handwriting.

I'm sure there are a lot of options that could be added though, as this thread points out. And I would LOVE to have an app which could understand joined-up handwriting.
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