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Hi All,

I have a requierement I need to do serial communication in background and do processing simultaneously. I can do it if i have multithreaded enviornment. Please let me know if any
one has used multithreaded application for N800? Does here pthreads of c can work?

Let me know if i can plug some c code to acheive it? Also i know N800 has the ARM 330Hz processor which can support such enviornment

Jaffa's Avatar
Posts: 2,535 | Thanked: 6,681 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ UK
Maemo is a normal Linux distribution in this regard. Any threading library such as pthreads should work as expected.

FWIW, the top-speed of an N800/N810's CPU under ITOS 2008 is 400MHz, not 330MHz.
Andrew Flegg -- |
Posts: 393 | Thanked: 112 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Depending on what you are doing, look into asynchronous D-Bus calls.

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