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I have a similiar problem.
When I tried the keyboard and it did not work, I tried to connect, and it kept saying 'Connection Failed'
So, I deleted the device and paired it again, but it still won't respond to the keyboard keys.
I am pairing everything right ctrl ctrl + blue fn + green fn to activate the bluetooth
then i hold the blue fn with the pairing code so it can connect.
The bluetooth is on and visible.
When I try pairing i tick the trusted device
But on the N810 - it shows the bluetooth icon as blue, but it still won't work!
I have tried everything, and I am getting really desperate.
In the thread at the top it advised someone to do a command, but I don't know how.
Sorry for the long message
Also, when its not connected, and I open the igo keyboard, the green light doesn't come on.
Last edited by tehforum; 2008-03-21 at 20:12.