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I was thinking about picking up a N800 and got few questions about it.

-First of all, it seems like best price for new N800 is at Dell for $225 shipped. Does anyone a better place to get it for lower price? Or any chance of the N800 price going down once Wimax N810 hits the stores?

- Has anyone got the N800 work with Holux M1000 GPS bluetooth before? If so, how well does work and was it easy to setup?

-Looking at the maemo looks like there is the FM tuner software for OS2007. Does that software work or OS2008 on N800? Or is there another software for that.

-One of reason I am especially thinking about getting it was I heard about the Beta Palm OS Garnet emulator. I had old Tapwave Zodiac 2 that died. So I have some Palm OS software that I could use for it. Has anyone here tried it out? Any clue how the Emulator compares to an actual Tapwave Zodiac 2? Also, once it is out of beta I am guessing it cost to buy it right? Any idea how much?

-Can anyone tell whats battery life when just playing Mp3 on it?

Probably might come up with more question as I keep on doing research. Thanks for answers in advance!
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If you look around, you should be able to find it for well under $200. Dell wouldn't be my first choice.

Any bluetooth GPS should work fine. They're pretty much commodities.

OS2008 has the FM tuner software, and it works OK.

No idea what will happen with Garnet VM, and I don't care. It's almost useless.

I don't play mp3s very often, so I can't say. Battery life when watching videos is pretty poor. Mp3s generally require much less processing power, so I expect it should be very much better.
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I got my n800 in november 07 - 230 bucks from amazon (after 30 dollar credit)...worth every penny.

I use an iBlue-737 gps recv. No problems. I dont use it every day, or every week, but I have only charged it once since i got it in December (I only charged it the day I got it.) However it is due for a charge now.

Has Sgosnell said, FM tuner is available in os2008. I dont know about other people but I love the FM Tuner. I just wish there was an AM chip in the Tablet available so I could get my Detroit Pistons games. I listened to FM Radio for 9 hours on a 66% charge before my Tablet died. WIFI Off - with the Nokia headphones taped to the wall. I was at work within the inner depths of the mall...hard reception.

My tablet has not been plugged in for about 21 hours (since 4:15am EDT 4-2-08). I havent really used it...just to look up some stuff, play a flash vid or 2...and its now at 18 percent. (1:11am EDT 4-3-08)So my Nokia is due for a charge as well. But i can guarantee that if I just put it into offline mode, right now, at 1:15am EDT until I wake and didnt use it, It would be available for me to use tomorrow--8 hours later, with enough juice to stream some music while im the shower, check an email and call someone using SIP. My estimate is that my tablet will die at about 1130am EDT this morning.
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I have holux M1000 - seamless connections - works almost perfectly.

FM tuner works aok with OS2008 but need headphones in for receptions

I agree with Sgosnell... forget palm stuff, there should be enough apps to do whatever you want on the n800.

For playing MP3's or vids, offline mode is your best friend... I can watch a couple hours of vids using mplayer or several continuous hours of mp3's...never timed it but I get tired of listening to that much music before the battery dies.
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I have yet to find in big stores for less than $200. Buy, Tigerdirect, etc most have prices around $235. Any example of where to actually get it under $200 would be great! I did see some Open box/used ones around $200. But I would prefer to get a brand new one with the 1 year warranty.

Main reason I was asking about the Palm emulator is because I really liked PocketTunes. It looked and functioned great. Any suggestion of which media player is most like PocketTunes on OS2008?
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I don't know PocketTunes, but Canola rocks.

PocketTunes may be fine, too. My experience with Garnet was for visual stuff -- specifically, ebook reading. But Garnet uses only a small piece of the N800's screen real estate, so it sucked for my purposes. For your app use, if a tiny screen is adequate, you may be satisfied. There is no lack of software for mp3's for the NITs.
. .

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I was hoping that Pocketunes would work in Garnet VM as well, but according to users on this board who have tried it, the implementation of GVM does not give it access to your sd cards. This leaves you kind of high and dry if you want to listen to audiobooks. None of the media players for the N800 have a resume or bookmark function. This includes Canola. If I am wrong about this (and I hope I am) someone please (please) correct me.
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Don't get the Nokia N8x0, get the Asus Eee PC instead.
More expensive, but WAY better.
The King is dead; long live the King! NIT out, Asus Eee PC 901 3G and BlackBerry Bold in!
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Originally Posted by Frankowitz View Post
Don't get the Nokia N8x0, get the Asus Eee PC instead.
More expensive, but WAY better.
In the same way that a sofa is better than a refrigerator, or fried chicken is better than freshly squeezed orange juice, yes. There isn't really a meaningful comparison to be made.

Last edited by meanwhile; 2008-04-04 at 14:16.

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