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Hello people.

Does anyone have same trouble?

My A-Data 16Gb SDHC card drains all the battery in 24 hours when my N800 is sleeping in offline mode. The card is in internal slot.

The card was formatted with Panasonic SD formatter, then sfdisk'ed in two partitions (vfat + ext2 root), mkdosfs, mke2fs and root transfered on it and lots of software installed.

A new N800 with the new battery, OS2008 from Nokia site flashed in + Fanoush modified initfs and kernel. The metalayer_crawler, load_applet and such a things was killed and that have no sense. The tablet works fine with old 2Gb Transcend SD card from my camera and without any card works too.

I reformat the card with Panas. formatter again to empty state, boot form internal flash, try to unmount the SDHC from root file system to disable any access - there's no difference.

The card read/write speed is fast enough and keep all the files (music/video) good (no corruptions or visible IO errors).

The only things are: the 'df' free space calculation is ve-e-ery slow (about two seconds or more), high power consumption, full erase (or something like that) isn't supported by device (from Panas SD formatter report).

Any issue?
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Colorado, US
I have an A-DATA 8GB that is probably mostly similar, and I haven't noticed anything major - maybe a slight decline in battery life, but I still get several days standby, and several hours of solid use.

Are you sure it is your card causing the problem? Does it go away when you take the card out?
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Chicago, IL
I have the same card and I get about 3 days in idle/offline.
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Yes, the other card (2Gb usual SD) works about 4 days in idle/offline.

So I need some information from A-Data users to decide wether the card was incorrectly formatted and works wrong or it's broken in hardware and I must forget about it. (unfortunately I can't return it to the supplier)

houman, can you check how long the 'df' command in Xterm works with your card mounted? Do you have a standard kernel or modified one from Fanoush?

Do the Panasonic SD formatter perform 'full device erase' or something like that with 16Gb A-Data? I can't remember exactly the words, but mine says that the device doesn't support 'full erase' (or something like that).

Maybe It was wrong card reader? (Kingston FCR-ML)
Or SD clock in N800 too high?
I don't know what else to suppose...

Anyway, thanks for any information.
linuxrebel's Avatar
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Silly-Con Valley
Run top, With 4 and 8GB SD's I've noticed that /usr/bin/metalayer-crawler goes ballistic trying to search for media. I just moved the file to one with some made up extension and gained all my batter life back. The metalayer-crawler process was sitting there using 80-90% CPU and slowing me to a crawl.

Last edited by linuxrebel; 2008-04-09 at 08:30. Reason: spelling of course.
johsua's Avatar
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Originally Posted by linuxrebel View Post
Run top, With 4 and 8GB SD's I've noticed that metalayercrawler goes ballistic trying to search for media. I just moved the file to one with some made up extension and gained all my batter life back the meta..... process was sitting there using 80-90% CPU and slowing me to a crawl.
Which file did you mv? metalayercrawler?
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Originally Posted by johsua View Post
Which file did you mv? metalayercrawler?
That is the only meta thing that takes up cpu.

You can also move the file in rc2.d instead.
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See my edit for the full path. (got to where my n800 was and corrected myself. ) But if yours looks like mine did ... top will show it chewing up CPU.

Additionally run

#> update-rc.d -f metalayer-crawler0 remove

to permanently shut it off on the next reboot (the proper way to remove it from the rc.X dirs) The problem is that just killing the process doesn't make it go away if you choose to avoid a reboot. You have to rename it and then kill the running process or else it keeps restarting itself.

Last edited by linuxrebel; 2008-04-09 at 08:37.
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I think it's not metalayer-crawler in my case because it's that I've disabled first in init and checked many times that there's no such process running. But I will check it again (maybe I'm wrong).
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I have two 16GB installed in my N800. I thought that the battery was being drained unusually fast, but was soon to discover that my battery was actually old...

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