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Is the 2008 OS worth the upgrade?
And then on the following day, my Nokia N800 would not charge. It was dead as dead could be. I searched these forums looking for answers. Trying several different tricks: swapping the battery out, putting it in the freezer and placed it next to a candle of St Jude Thaddeus. Nothing worked.
So I contacted Nokia sent in the tablet with the battery and power cable and explained my situation. Within a week's time, a new unit was sent backed to me with the old battery. Guess what? It doesn't charge. So I called up Nokia to get an explanation. They told me that I need to ship the battery now to another location and wait another week to get a new battery. WTF! = my immediate reaction. I am irritated to say the least with my current Nokia n800 situation.
So being impatient and really wanting to use the tablet. I searched for overnight shipping of a battery. Radio Shack has a BP-5L battery. Great. Called them up to purchase the battery and they will ship it to my house the next day for $30. Great.
But I just noticed something about an hour later after purchasing the battery that it says on their website that it is BP-5L 3.6V, 1300mAh. Will this work with the Nokia n800? Please could someone help me?
Here is a link to the battery:
Thank You