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I have a small network at home with static IPs. However, I have not found out how to assign my 770 a static IP. I have tried

ifconfig wlan0 netmask up

but I could not connect although the IP was assigned to wlan0. Has anyone an idea?

Thanks in advance!

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In the connection manager, edit the connection and click the "Advanced" button at the end of the wizard. You can specify a static IP there.


Andrew Flegg -- |
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Also most WLAN routers can run DHCP. I too have very small network (5 machines including n770 and router) and have DHCP with static binding to MAC address since it is easier on the clients. When dualbooting various systems on same machine I don't need to configure IP addresses in each OS. And since you need to enter MAC addresses on the router for proper wi-fi security anyway, it comes as nice bonus and makes life easier.
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Hi again,

first, thanks for the help! I have assigned a static IP with aflegg's instructions and canbring the network device online (status icon shows a "W" and ifconfig lists the device with However I cannot make any connection with the 770. Calling any website says "network error" and with "ping" (for instance) I get the error message: "network cannot be reached" The AP works otherwise fine (I can connect with my notebook) and I have already connected to the Internet with my 770 from a public WLAN Hotspot.

Any ideas?
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make sure you have the gateway, subnet mask, dns server (gateway and dns I suppose will be the router's ip) correct... make sure you have the key, encription, channel... right... is hard for us (me) to tell you what you are doing wrong if I don't see the whole configuration.
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I agree with ioan, it's difficult to know more without more detail. My number 1 guess, however, would be that the gateway's wrong.
Andrew Flegg -- |
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gateway, subnet mask, dns server are correct. Besides, even with wrong DNS Server and Gateway, I should be able to ping the AP ... wrong channel could be the reason. How do I check and change the channel?
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Originally Posted by arnsic
How do I check and change the channel?
You can install WirelessTools from ApplicationCatalog and run iwconfig:
LD_PRELOAD=/var/lib/install/usr/lib/ /var/lib/install/usr/sbin/iwconfig
You can also use this tool to set the channel and all the other stuff for the wireless connection.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2006
No, it's not the channel ... 03 is correct ... I have to find it out myself, I guess ...

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