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Ok, I have a new problem. I cannot ping my n800 or ssh into it from an outside PC. I have a linux box and windows box and neither work. I can ping any pc from the n800 to other boxes and any website that is up and running.

I can connect to my openvpn server from my n800, but I still cannot get any of my boxes to see the unit.

My dd-wrt router sees it on the LAN.

I nmapped it and could find no open ports.

I notice that iptables is on the unit. How do you open up the local LAN using iptable rules?

I am thinking that this is the problem unless someone else has an answer. And yes, I could connect to the unit last night just fine. In fact, that is how I install most of my applications on the n800 is through ssh.
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It is showing my ssh port as filtered- meaning it is closed (just like the rest of the ports on my n800)
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I doubt this will help your problem at all, but since you're running dd-wrt, set up the router to always give the n800 a specific IP via DHCP, and also to give it a hostname you can call it from any computer on the network. It's really handy.

About your problem though, it seems like something could be messed up with your router settings? I just nmap'd my n800 and it shows the ssh port at least. If you have any special settings on your router try disabling them temporarily. Also, a traceroute to the n800 might help.

I suppose if you want to make sure the openssh server is actually working on the n800 you can try sshing to the root user locally from the n800 terminal. Sorry I can't think of anything else for troubleshooting right now.

mudhoney@isis:~$ nmap holy-diver

Starting Nmap 4.53 ( ) at 2008-05-24 16:46 CDT
Interesting ports on holy-diver (
Not shown: 1713 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.337 seconds

Last edited by mudhoney; 2008-05-24 at 21:54.
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Originally Posted by mudhoney View Post
I doubt this will help your problem at all, but since you're running dd-wrt, set up the router to always give the n800 a specific IP via DHCP, and also to give it a hostname you can call it from any computer on the network. It's really handy.

About your problem though, it seems like something could be messed up with your router settings? I just nmap'd my n800 and it shows the ssh port at least. If you have any special settings on your router try disabling them temporarily. Also, a traceroute to the n800 might help.

I suppose if you want to make sure the openssh server is actually working on the n800 you can try sshing to the root user locally from the n800 terminal. Sorry I can't think of anything else for troubleshooting right now.
Thanks for the reply. Assigned a static lease to the n800 since day one. Made sure router still had it set.

nmap gets this:

Scanning n800 ( [1 port]
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 16:16, 0.85s elapsed (1 total ports)
Host n800 ( appears to be up ... good.
Interesting ports on n800 (
22/tcp filtered ssh

and yes, ssh locally works. I have no idea what is going on.

I did an apt-get upgrade last night and remember seeing iptables come through, but it didnt affect me last night. Dont know why it is today...
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iptables on the n800 is located in /sbin
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This did not work either:

ipchains -F

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anyone have any ideas? Am I on the right track?
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ended up reflashing device this morning
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2008 @ USA
ok, new flash on my n800, and it's doing it again! Ssh was working but now it wont accept connections to standard port!

Did an apt-get --purge remove openssh & openssh-server and still nothing!!!

Has this happened to anyone else???
Posts: 110 | Thanked: 52 times | Joined on Sep 2007
I'm glad I found this thread. It gave me the hint I needed to SSH in. For anyone else who has this problem in future, the command I needed to SSH in is:
ssh -p 22 root@

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