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maillaxa's Avatar
Posts: 149 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on May 2008
... did somebody try to totally uninstall the default firmware (IT2008) to put something like debian ? I mean replace default system with another one (directly into the main memory).

Booting from the MMC is okay but I just want to know if it could work too.

Thank you
Benson's Avatar
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It should work, but I haven't (and I don't think anyone else has, either). It won't exactly be easy; for best results, you can't untar it into the existing system, because there will be files you can't overwrite, and old files left around.

There are two obvious courses of action: with fanoush's initfs and telnet or ssh, you can just mount the root filesystem (and an mmc containing the Debian tarball and gnu tar), delete everything, and untar it in the root filesystem. (This would be my tendency, but I can't say it's necessarily better for any reason...)

Or, make a jffs2 filesystem of the appropriate size on a Linux PC, mount it with loopback, and fill it, then use flasher-3.0 to flash that on the device.
maillaxa's Avatar
Posts: 149 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on May 2008
Hum, well, it seems a more serious work than I could imagine. I will test it soon.

Thank you
Underscore's Avatar
Posts: 276 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Missouri, USA
Not sure how practical that would be; space would be pretty limited, no?

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