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Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Latest release: Maemo Mapper v1.1

Device-Installable .DEB File
Source Code
Complete File List

Application Catalog:
Web location:
Distribution: 2.0
Components: free non-free

At this point, all new development is occurring on the 2006 OS version of Maemo Mapper (v1.x). The 2005 OS version (v0.x) will always be available, but it will not benefit from bug fixes and feature enhancements. Of particular interest in Maemo Mapper 1.0.2 is the addition of frameworks for localization and in-program help.

About localization: the localization framework has been added, but I will leave it to the fluent to translate the English text into different languages. If you would like to have direct access to the SVN repository for translation purposes, just make a request through the Maemo Mapper Garage page (on the Summary page).

If you would like to see Maemo Mapper translated into your language, but don't have the resources to do the translation yourself, add a Tracker item concerning your requested language. That will let people know that you're interested in a translation to that language.

The same goes (sort of) for documentation. The in-program help infrastructure has been added, but if you happen to take a look at it (through the Help application; direct access via Maemo Mapper is a little buggy), you'll see that it is seriously lacking (there's basically nothing there).

If you would like to contribute documentation (maybe because you really want to help out, but you have no coding skills, or maybe my C is too ugly to read), then request to join the Maemo Mapper team as a documenter, which will give you access to the in-program help in SVN as well as the online documentation section in the Garage (which you'll note is also quite empty).

NOTE: There is a known memory leak in v1.x with respect to the "Download by Area" and "Settings" dialog boxes. This leak is not present in v0.2.4. The widgets created by those dialog boxes are created each time the dialog box is invoked, and they are never destroyed. I don't know if it's a bug in the 2006 OS, but if I try to destroy those dialogs, the program crashes the next time that dialog is created (even though the instances are entirely separate - very frustrating). The leak is relatively minor, though, and won't affect normal operation.

Last edited by gnuite; 2006-07-09 at 18:21. Reason: Updated for Maemo Mapper v1.1
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Maemo Mapper has recently been added to my Nokia 770 apt-get repository (an "Application Catalog"), which means that you can now install and update it automatically via the Application Manager. Just go to the "Tools | Application catalog..." menu item and add a "New" catalog with the following web address (with the rest of the fields default):


Last edited by gnuite; 2006-06-13 at 05:06. Reason: Added information about the Application Catalog
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Central London
Copied and updated from the 2005 OS thread:

Well I just tried it out on the new 2006 OS (thanks again for getting it out so quicky )

Disclaimer: I didn't use it under 2005 OS, so I might be missing a trick...

Well anyway, initial report:
[] Couldn't install it by clicking the .deb on Started downloading and quit unexpectedly every time (though this worked ok with Maemopad+ and SQLite). Downloaded it to internal memory and installed using the 'Install from file option in Application Manager. This worked without any problems. Be interesting to see if others manage ok with the direct link - so do try that first...

[] On first start, Mapper insists on scanning for a GPS (don't have one, but want to use Mapper as a Google Maps browser) until you gove it a fake MAC address (I just used "Abc"). From then on, it doesn't scan when you go back into the options, vastly speeding things up (otherwise it's quite unresponsive while scanning).

[] After a false start not knowing that I had to find something to go in the URI prefix field (used ), I figured the way to go was to go to Maps and select "Download Area...". I figured the zero coordinates would be fine for a starting point esp. since the zoom tab defaults to a zoomed-out view. Unfortunately, pressing OK causes the app to quit. I'm off to look in the 2005 OS thread for a different URI that might work better...

[] Sometimes just going into the Settings causes the app to quit. Not a huge issue at this stage since startup is so fast.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Central London
OK, so I found
in the python script/switcher thread.

Putting that in, selecting Download area, OKing the defaults, then setting auto download, works great!!

Sooo much faster than even specifically 770-friendly Google Maps sites...
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Feature idea:

It would be nice if one would be able to draw by hand on to the map, or perhaps a link "edit this map" in Sketch/Gimp. (?)
The Way home or face The Fire
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
works, as I restored my OS2005 backup to 2006 i didn't even have to configure it again. (n770 had a problem mounting my ext2 partition where i keep my map downloads tho, that's another thing)

feature requests? ok
bookmarking locations. show bookmarked locations on the map with floating pins (little pins with triangular flags on them?)
also i'd love to have layer support, (multiple toggleable layers? chosen/downloaded from a configurable list of repositories?) so one can enhance the maps by toggling layers of subway/public transport or landmarks for instance. (of course we need the reps for those)
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Originally Posted by dsmudger
Sooo much faster than even specifically 770-friendly Google Maps sites...
I wasn't even aware such sites existed... share some pointers ?
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Central London
Originally Posted by fpp
share some pointers ?
Sure thing:
US/global version with added search box
UK verision without the search

Thread all about them here:

Last edited by dsmudger; 2006-06-11 at 14:35.
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Central London
Off topic, but curiously the i40 maps don't fill the screen any more on the new 2006 OS
Never mind, Maemo Mapper is the way...
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Thanks ! I had read that thread at the time and forgotten all about it :-)
of course it came back to the surface just before I found your answer here...

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