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i read through the grandcentral dialer thread, installed it, routed my sippnumber through grandcentral. I can't seem to find the grandcentral app to launch it. it has it in the installed application list, but i can't launch it to make out going calls. Can some one help me understand how to do this? It seems like im missing something.
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Normally it's installed under extras, you may have to scroll down to find it.

What version did you install? ( where did you install it from? )
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Specifically this links to the most recent build that I know about ;-)
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i installed an old build. i installed 0.7.2, all works now. Is there any word contact information integration?
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None as of yet, epage was looking into it.
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I am really really sorry if I ask a dumb question. I dl and installed and it ring up the other phone. But we cannot talk. The other phone has to call back. Is that the way it is or we suppose to be able to talk? If so, how?

N810/Diablo/GCD 0.7

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You have to go to GC and have your gizmo number as the callback number.

That's all.
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Originally Posted by nhanquy View Post

You have to go to GC and have your gizmo number as the callback number.

That's all.
I have that done and it is working to receive call GC+Gizmo. My question is by using this GCDialer, does that enable me to talk? So far, I can only dial and make the other phone ring. The other phone sees my number and call me back. Is that all it is? Or is it suppose to be able to talk after ring or the other phone has to call back and then talk?


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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
My question is by using this GCDialer, does that enable me to talk?
Of course!

you call; the other person picks up the call; GC calls the IT; you pick up the call; then you two talk. That's the idea.

So the GC Dialer actually allows you to call and pick up the call back at the same time.

Note: You will hear the ring; just wait for the other person to pick up the call. When he has done that the GC will call your IT; at this time, you accept the call then you two will be connected.

Last edited by nhanquy; 2008-07-20 at 17:26.
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The grandcentral dialer is not a Voice application. It merely enables the callback dialing that grandcentral provides.

If you go to the account tab on grandcentral dialer there should be a callback number. If it's blank you have a problem. That is the number where YOU are. The number you dial is who you want to talk to. When you hit dial GC will call you on YOUR number and then connects you with the number you dialed, you will hear ringing until the other end picks up the phone.

Here are a few things that show a problem.
  1. The phone listed on the account page doesn't ring
  2. When you pick up the callback phone you don't hear ringing
  3. You are not connected to the number dialed.

If you wish to use the Nokia as a "phone" you also have to create a Gizmo project account and configure the a SIP account on the Nokia. This enables the VoIP functionality that is compatible with GC. You can then go to GC and setup another phone and set it to the Gizmo "1 (747) xxx-xxxx" account number.

Once that is done you can then go to the account tab under the dialer and pick the "1 (747) xxx-xxxx" number and the dialer will "call" the tablet.

There is more discussion in one of the older thread here. The dialer application will make the whole process easier once you are setup since you will be able to call ANY number, not just those in your phone book.

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