Poll: are you now happy with your GPS (N810)?
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are you now happy with your GPS (N810)?

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With all the upgrades, a-gps, everything you learned on the forum, are you NOW happy with your GPS?

I am NOT.

Posts: 40 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Feb 2008
I would have answered satisfied but with those options I went with Yes. I have one those N810s that gets consistent GPS fixes within 60 seconds using AGPS. There have been times when GPS has for some reason been unable to get a fix within minutes but in those cases rebooting has solved the problem.

I am however not perfectly happy because
1. The lack of documentation regarding AGPS from Nokia. They release closed software that requires configuration using options and functionality that are definitely not understandable for the users at first look.

For documentation you have to scrape information from Beta labs blog comments, Bugzilla, ITT and mailing lists. Seriously this is software they have marketed on their N810 site. Yeah it is marked with beta but still.

I don't think I am asking too much when I think Nokia should release documentation what all the options do, what it does in the background and how to make sure it is working properly.

In lot of cases I have seen it is evident that AGPS is not working properly i.e. not showing sat information instantly after stargin GPS. This can be due to configuration problem, not understanding what AGPS requires or network problems. I guess in most of these cases documentation would help.

I suppose the community could (and Fragos has, thanks) create some documentation but I feel with Nokia going closed source with AGPS the ball is in their court.

2. Obviously the GPS hardware has its own problems, it does work (for me at least) but is not on the same level as stand alone GPS units. This I suppose is understandable as N810 is so much more than a GPS unit.

Last edited by aot; 2008-11-12 at 09:26.
Posts: 1,213 | Thanked: 356 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ California and Virginia
Too damn slow to be very useful. It good as a toy, but not much else. Compared to other phones and PDA's it sucks. The iPhone, which I think has a crappy GPS, locks in about 10 seconds in a car on the highway, while my N810 never locked!

There are no apps that take advantage of "location based services", only map apps. I wish more apps would take advantage of GeoIP and GPS and Nokia should *** skyhook, even though Mozilla promised skyhook in fennec!

At least it works in emergencies...

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Internal GPS, no. You know why...
Goosfraba! All text written by allnameswereout is public domain unless stated otherwise. Thank you for sharing your output!
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Beijing
I was really not happy about the GPS, because I'm coming from China, the map is not support the Chinese map, so I did not use GPS so far.
Posts: 650 | Thanked: 497 times | Joined on Oct 2008 @ Ghent, Belgium
While getting a GPS fix ok most of the time, the available software certainly sucks big time. Coming from a Windows CE platform device, I felt like stepping back 100 years. Time some true commercial software came to this platform, I already contacted TomTom and urged them to release for N8x0.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2008
I'm not happy with the GPS fix time. Even with the A-GPS tool installed, it still takes about 3 minutes to get a fix, that's not really nice.
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Poland / Bialystok
I voted YES - I don't know why but I've got fix in reasonable time. Question is what is "reasonable".
I'm not using it extensively because of lack of good navigation software (I don't like maps in maemo-mapper If I have to - I use wayfinder maps) and increased current consumption.
Sometimes I'm impressed that it locks at 100km/h in few minutes.
Usually I don't have to wait longer than 2-3minutes max to get fix under open sky.
Indoors - it doesn't get lock - as my bluetooth "evermore" crap gps based on Atmel Antaris chip.
For me - they both are same quality.
Once I've compared it to SirfIII - no doubt Sirf locked itself after 30-40sec and was better but no need to cry for me on n810's GPS performance for me.
Posts: 61 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ United Kingdom
I would like to say yes, but it has to be a no from me. Partly my reasoning is aot's comment; "unable to get a fix within minutes but in those cases rebooting has solved the problem"; I'm sorry, but I rarely reboot the tablet, and certainly being forced into it by Nokia's own software is poor. Slow times are not acceptable.
UK Gadgeteer
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Thanks for everybody's comments. The point of the poll is to determine how common is the 'no fix' situations. I am NOT asking to fix or perform as a SiRF STAR III, I just ask it to lock within a 'reasonable' period if one can see the sky. Reasonable period has to be under 10 min, right? Considering one drives at 55 MPH even from stop, one would have 'goofed' about 10 miles by then.

A previous poll before the A-gps, over 40% users, out of 47, log after 5 min, http://www.internettablettalk.com/fo...ad.php?t=19984

go figure out............


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