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I've been using my 770 for a long time (1.5 years) and recently the internet has stopped working on it. I will connect to my home network, and it will show as connected. However, I cannot browse through the web browser. If I try to visit, it will bring up an error "Network problem". This happens for any website I try to visit. I also cannot connect to MSN Messenger through Pidgin Messenger. It gives an error "Connection error from Notification server: Unable to connect".

When I go to the Connection Manager it shows status as connected. It shows small amounts of data being received and sent (~3kB received and 9kB sent). I can also log into my Linksys wireless router and it shows my 770's MAC address as currently connected, as well as an IP address issued.

This occurs in both the OS off the internal flash, and the OS I have cloned on the memory card. In both the internal flash and the memory card booted OS it says I am using Internet Tablet OS 2006 Edition, version 3.2006.49-2. This also occurs over any other wireless network I try to connect to. It will say connected, but I cannot browse webpages or connect to chat through Pidgin.

If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it, thanks.
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I don't recall the exact settings in OS2006, but the symptoms you get are the same I see if something's wrong with DHCP... I remember only 3 weeks ago I connected to a router that was supposed to handle everything via DHCP but failed to distribute a gateway- and DNS-address.

Setting these values manually solved the problem for me.

(It could be the other way round, that you have invalid manual values and should switch back to DHCP.)

I also remember that when I owned a 770, I once had to delete saved access points and start over because some settings got messed up. Do you try to connect to the same few networks? Networks already saved?
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Thank you for your response. I entered all the IP information manually for my home router on my tablet, and it made no change. I also checked before I did this that all IP information was set to automatic, so I did not have incorrect manual values previously.

I have deleted all saved access points and recreated my home connection, no change. I again tested my tablet with another wifi hotspot other than my home network, and it gives the same results.

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