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Hey All,

I am looking for a product exactly like the Nokia770, however I would also like an Ethernet (RJ45) Port. Does anyone know of what can or how to accomadate this? Does the 770 Support CF Nic's?

Adam J
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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It's hard to support compact flash cards if you don't have a CF slot...
Arjun's Avatar
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Originally Posted by chuckycharms
Hey All,

I am looking for a product exactly like the Nokia770, however I would also like an Ethernet (RJ45) Port. Does anyone know of what can or how to accomadate this? Does the 770 Support CF Nic's?

Adam J
Nokia 770 IT has no option whatsoever to use a CF NiC. It can do Wi-Fi connections OK. It can also be paired with a GPRS phone to use as a Web Surfing Tool. You maybe interested in Sharp Zaurus SL6000 ( if you can spend the money to get it and if you can find one). You can read more about this here :

It is pretty good Machine.
thoughtfix's Avatar
Posts: 832 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Phoenix, AZ
There are plenty of ethernet-to-wifi "gaming adapters" out there that'd bridge your wireless to a wired network too. If you're paranoid, WPA protect and MAC filter it too!
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Oct 2005
maybe with usb and usb>rj45 convertor ? we can dream
Forum Français dédié aux tablettes Nokia et leur OS Maemo :
Odin's Avatar
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Texas
Originally Posted by chuckycharms
Hey All,

I am looking for a product exactly like the Nokia770, however I would also like an Ethernet (RJ45) Port. Does anyone know of what can or how to accomadate this? Does the 770 Support CF Nic's?

Adam J
Moday I found myself far away from home in a hotel with Wi-Fi in the lobby, which I could not get to work with the 770, and only wired Internet in the room. To add insult to injury, the wired Internet was free. I was forced to use my Razr and DUN to check email--very, very painful, especially with that RJ45 cable lying useless on the desk.

Know that it is easy to get the USB port on the 770 to go into "host mode" and it is also (somewhat) easy to add a power supply to the port to run external USB devices. Now for the really easy part (yeah, I am joking), writing the drivers to get anything done. Oh, if we only had the user base that the Palm enjoys!
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Odin
Moday I found myself far away from home in a hotel with Wi-Fi in the lobby, which I could not get to work with the 770, and only wired Internet in the room. To add insult to injury, the wired Internet was free. I was forced to use my Razr and DUN to check email--very, very painful, especially with that RJ45 cable lying useless on the desk.
Well, just look for something named Wireless Mobile Router, like this:
Or use phone line like this:

Last edited by Element; 2006-07-27 at 23:46.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2006
just get a linksys travel wireless router for about 70 dollar and you can share the connection with other people too.
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Heres the scenrio. We are a Wireless ISP ,, and our equipment is often times mounted at the top of towers. Now, if I do any work at the top of the tower, I must have a Tech Savy employee at the bottom to run the laptop. If I could haul it up with me, then I would only have to have a not so tech savy person to just 'spot' me. I don't want to have any other peice of equipment with me. I want to beable to plug it in, and ssh into my routers at the top of towers. I guess I will have to wait, mabye next version.
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
a Zaurus clamshell would better for you. They have a CF slot and a keyboard.

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