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This was a posting I felt was getting too long for another subforum reply

The n810/n800 tablets are unique devices in my opinion. For me, the n810 is replacing my 'ultraportable' 12" dell lattitude, 8.9" EEE and 5" OQO. Why? I want all my data, tablet and other features with me all of the time, this means being comfortably in my jean pockets and lasting through the day. It has a fully featured and application addable Linux OS as far as I know (Debian/KDE/Ubuntu), non-volatile and noiseless storage media and can VNC into Mac OSX and XP/VISTA computers you might have running at home/building or in your bag. I have an iphone 3g which shares some of the burden of my needs too (another must have device in my opinion).

I can achieve this through the long battery life of the stock n810 (extendable with a mugen). A spare in my wallet and a (~10,000mah)mp1550 and/or mp3450 myallpower plus (I've ordered them both from tekkeon). Carrying a short USB to tablet charger is handy too.

Note taking and organisation: The tablet features replace my note taking, jotting system (Automatic screen rotate helps). I also use xournal where I can annotate pdf files etc. And I can use the mind mapping device at times as well. The GPE calender, voice recorder and GPE todo list are great to mess about with on the subway and they sync with google calender. GPE summary updates on my homescreen. Although i'm only using my iphone/voice now for diary stuff with dial2do.

PDF reading: I read heaps pdf books. Evince helps me get through alot. And with xournal I can interactively jot my thoughts. Others add FBreader for other reading formats.

Media: My iphone is great but space it at a premium on it so with the n810's ability to have portable storage currently up to 2+32sd+64flash drive= 98gb + additional USB flash drives its useful to store movies, music, podcasts and stuff and use canola for audio and mplayer or even the standard diablo player for movies. Although its nicer to watch on a bigger screen and with no compression needed I agree (I use java mencoder in XP for seamless dvd running rip conversions). I guess the iphone with its tv and pico projector movie output would come in more handy at times to have 5 or or so 200mb compressed movie files (I use the Java tablet mencoder for the iphone as well ).There is also a torrent client somewhere for the n810, Transmission.

Office: OK, so I have the tiniest optical mouse around and paired with an itech bluetooth laser keyboard (zippo lighter size) it has a neglible footprint in your pocket. With a USB OTG cable you add a USB 4 port hub to add peripherals like flash drives. You can then use Open Office (Word/Excel/Powerpoint etc replacement) after installing the Easy KDE Linux distribution on a memory card and other linux apps whereever you are. Need to edit something on the go in a cramped space such a subway (I spend 4hrs + like this)? Well then you have a built in keyboard and stylus.

Remote access: Need Windows or Vista or Mac OSx then 'VNC' into it using VNC Viewer. I have loads of 'disposable' computers in my room so I can leave some of them on. With rdesktop and winxp pro you have a better option I hear. If I do carry around the EEE or Lattitude in my bag I think I will be more inclined to have a USB cable coming out of my bag and using SSH/VNC to control it from my n810 when I am on the go in a subway or something (I havent tried it yet with my n810 but it works with my iphone<>laptop) or to ad hoc control VNC the screen.

Calculator: The ability to scribble a calculation in handwriting calculator and let the n810 solve it for you by symbol recognition is an undervalued option for those that need it. The written handwriting recognition application is a bit hit and miss and defiinately slower than typing for me.

Web Browsing: The stock microb browser is good, high resolution display especially quick when using no images displayed option (you can always right click to show wanted ones). Speed of information is everything for me. The tear webkit browser is looking even better for a full and fast browsing experience. Mytube is pretty damn good at streaming youtube over a fast wifi connection.

Around the house/office building: A lot of people use the powerful Wifi searching features of the tablet to wander around their house/rooms and stream media using things like mediaserv or control stuff like music players.

RSS Feeds and News Stories: Gives me something to read on the morning subway ride. RSS summary applet updates feeds on my homescreen.

Techies: might use the tablet to control sytems or I am guessing host a webserver off it as its an always on device. Others use the tablet to edit websites or edit blogs using apps like WordPY, rich wordprocessors or microblogging sites like Twitter and Jaiku using Maku.

Newbies: should make sure they download personal menu and personal launcher to order applications and make the internet tablet work for YOU! Also dont store stuff on the main application stored memory card. Install the repositories on the site.

Phone tethering: There is no keyboard on my iphone and the iphones own 3g connection and tethering (in jailbroken phones) can be used to allow the n810 to VNC control your iphone to type messages etc. With other phones you can tap out email and text. You can video call with an n810 and make free calls as well as giving your tablet an always on 3g net connection.

Instant messaging: Pidgin is great for msn messenger etc usuing the inbuilt keyboard while I am on a bus or something. You can Skype them too if the conversation needs it.

Tonnes of Apps: Operating systems Maemo is a cutdown linux system but there are several others you can install with heaps more apps Android, Debian (fuller linux), Palm, WinCE (seen it in the forums) etc. There are tonnes of great web apps too that extend the capabilities of your n810 as it primarily a seamlessly connected internet solution unlike battery concious laptops. Check out dial2do and glidemobile and google apps.

Games:I prefer my iphone for games. But the fact you can add a wiimote for remote input is pretty cool on the n810.

External Display: The n810 doesnt comfortably connect directly with monitors or portable projectors which annoys me but I can live with it, for that:
- I can just use my flash USB key for both devices or mount the internet tablet.
- Or even better use x11vnc and more dimming app on the n810 and tightvnc viewer with 800*480 display set on the host PC for a full screen n810 viewing on my PC monitor when I feel like it, over wifi or adhoc.

*EDIT* I think I have created another portable yet viable workaround for me. I set up a x11vnc server on my tablet. Its connected Adhoc to my iphone anyway. I switched the internet connection off my iphone so that it says no service for proof of concept (no data usage). I entered my tablets IP address from the ad hoc connection onto a legitimite free iphone app - VNC Mocha. I can plug my headphones into the N810 tablet for sound (as VNC doesnt carry forward sound). I know I can then plug in my iphone to a TV via cable or to a pico projector (e.g optoma pk101) for a screen size up to 60" (100" with the Show WX). I think I will need to use the TV-out Cydia app though which is a jail break app to see all the apps on your iphone and not just media. Its pretty cool as I can use multitouch pinch and zoom in on the iphone and it takes up the whole iphone screen not just a portion like on the n810 VNC client.

Additional display The tablet can be used as an additional second PC monitor.

GPS: My iphone with xGPS 1.2 voice guided navigation does this job better. But the larger screen and option on my n810 is great.

ITT Forums: Lots of smart and dedicated people on here which means that whatever way computing goes they will find a way to connect with it!

The tablet can't run the Adobe Flash editing suite, Adobe Photoshop (I havent tried GIMP) nor run powerful games that I use here and there (nor would they make much sense on a tablet and I can wait until I get home or to a desk for that). Similarly its speed or screen size is not comparable to a laptop on the go but all I am saying is that its amazing that the tablet can do 90% (probably more) of what I might want to use my Windows laptop or OQO tablet for on a regular basis; instead I prefer a paired 3G iphone, Jawbone 2, micro mouse, usb key and full keyboard in my pocket and the tablet is ALWAYS on = CONVENIENCE.

It can also do things my own laptops cant (e.g tablet features and noiseless feature). My views might change slightly when all day ultraportable laptops (such as dell's 19 hour one) become more compact and with tablet features or when the SHOW WX pico projector and Bluetooth project for the iphone or even the n900 become a reality but untill then I am happy. I always keep an OQO (switched off) in my leather jacket pocket just in case but it is definately a secondary device, I might also grudgingly chuck in my EEE into my bag for screen size or the Lattitude instead for more intensive applications on the go.

Heres towards the Nokia Sparrow !

Last edited by imperiallight; 2009-03-11 at 01:02.

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