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A place to go to if you're inside a thread and you get into pissing contests* or ad hominem attacks.



*A pissing contest is any argument that just goes back and forth between two individuals but never gets resolved.

Here's the context of how this thread came to be. Just follow the links like breadcrumbs, and work your way backwards in time, from post #897 to 896 to 894 to 892 to 874 to ...

Last edited by GeraldKo; 2009-11-01 at 00:03.
Posts: 1,213 | Thanked: 356 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ California and Virginia
So now we discriminate against the outside.

I see how it is, what with you and your damn logical fallacies. Don't you know the internet IS the outside, where logic is a toaster's bedroom. Take that!

What has the world come to.....
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lol man, lol.

ad hominem is like one of my favorite words. Although I typically have problems with precisely the opposite problem, which is where an obsession with logic or with the obvious and evident leads one to forget the intention, and one just grows lazy and claims that the argument doesn't convince them rather than making any effort to understand the other hominem. And then I often make the accusation that "you don't believe in humans". What would the opposite in Latin be, con hominem? You need to make you arguments more con hominem.
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I'm all for ad valorum. Yeah, that's where the real action's at!

Or ad nauseum. Ooo, I almost forgot about that one!
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What is this ridiculous thread? I can start better threads in my sleep.

What's with the all-caps first word in the title? Don't you KNOW you're not supposed to use all caps? It's like you're shouting!!1

Use your inside voice!


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totololo's Avatar
Posts: 258 | Thanked: 176 times | Joined on May 2009 @ Paris France
Pissing contest ? Huh ???
Are gay guys allowed in you contest ? ... I would defeat you all yark yark yark !!!
YoDude's Avatar
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Originally Posted by totololo View Post
Pissing contest ? Huh ???
Are gay guys allowed in you contest ? ... I would defeat you all yark yark yark !!!
Yup... and so are women.

To be fair to all though... let's get the rules straight. No aiming!
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Now here's a useful thread if there ever was one...

Suave turbantibus aequora ventis
a monte nauta spicere...
totololo's Avatar
Posts: 258 | Thanked: 176 times | Joined on May 2009 @ Paris France
Yark yark yark !
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
What is this ridiculous thread? I can start better threads in my sleep.

What's with the all-caps first word in the title? Don't you KNOW you're not supposed to use all caps? It's like you're shouting!!1

Use your inside voice!


Qole you ignorant slut, this thread was formatted this way for a reason. For instance GeraldKo used code words like ad hominem attacks...

If he called it flaming he was afraid it would attract more people like totololo. (ya dumb *****)

disabilled ppl, don't cross the streams, fire away, godwin's law, no he hasn't

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