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Since I couldn't get the battery apps to work, this is the next best thing but it *****es at me saying it's missing:

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» N800, cloned Diablo on 2 GB SD (Device: 600 MB, Internal: 256 MB, Swap: 256 MB), 8 GB external SD
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Seems like you don't have python2.5 installed. I did a quick search of the forums and it didn't turn up a clear thread where installing python is discussed (if I remember correctly, it requires some xterm commands and can be a little tricky).

Anyone have any pointers?
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yes : install another package that requires Python and has its dependencies right !
Canola for example
jself's Avatar
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Canola 2 IS installed.
Urban Photography:

» N800, cloned Diablo on 2 GB SD (Device: 600 MB, Internal: 256 MB, Swap: 256 MB), 8 GB external SD
daperl's Avatar
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Install rootsh
Open an xterm
Type: root<return>
Type: apt-get install python2.5-hildon<return>
Do same as line above for the other packages
Type: exit<return>
Close xterm
Then try and reinstall your original target

You might have python2.5 installed, but you probably don't have python2.5-hildon installed, and I'm guessing Canola doesn't use it.


If in doubt, open an xterm and type:

dpkg -l | grep -i python<return>

and see what it says.
N9: Go white or go home

Last edited by daperl; 2009-06-03 at 19:56.

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jself's Avatar
Posts: 203 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on May 2008
Sounds simple enough, I'll give it a go - thanks!
Urban Photography:

» N800, cloned Diablo on 2 GB SD (Device: 600 MB, Internal: 256 MB, Swap: 256 MB), 8 GB external SD
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Posts: 203 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on May 2008
It's installed, the only thing HomeSensors says is:

Light:cat: can't open '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0029/lux': no such file or directory

Also interesting that HomeSensors says 65% and 2.5 hours for battery, but the battery icon at the top is full and gives 3 hours. Are these things just not accurate?
Urban Photography:

» N800, cloned Diablo on 2 GB SD (Device: 600 MB, Internal: 256 MB, Swap: 256 MB), 8 GB external SD
qole's Avatar
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jself: If you have an N800, then you're getting the error because the N800 doesn't have a light sensor. That feature was introduced in the N810. There might be a place in the application to disable checking of the light sensor, if so, disable it.

And yes, battery life estimation is a bit of a black art, and different programs give different estimates.

It reminds me of the old saying: "A man with one watch knows what time it is, a man with two watches is never sure."
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Last edited by qole; 2009-06-03 at 21:00. Reason: better explanation

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daperl's Avatar
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Battery status is a moving target because it has a component that is proportional to cpu activity. Picture a graph with your cpu activity/inactivity oscillating around a slowly decaying battery charge. Time is the x-axis.

I don't know what HomeSensors does. What is it? Is it part of an X10-type of solution?

EDIT: Oh, thanks qole. Home as in Desktop. Doh!
N9: Go white or go home

Last edited by daperl; 2009-06-03 at 21:00.
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jself: Did you try installing Advanced Power? No go? That's the one I use, it replaces the battery applet and works very well. You need to install the monitor and the applet.

EDIT: Ah yes, I see you tried and got frustrated with the lack of documentation. Sometimes it takes a "newbie" like yourself to remind us old hackers that there's no documentation. Point out to us what is missing.
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Last edited by qole; 2009-06-03 at 21:21.

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