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Jaffa's Avatar
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The monthly sprint meeting was held today (first Tuesday of the month). The committed tasks, and meeting actions, are now published in the usual location:

Each task in the sprint is assigned a MoSCoW prioritisation: one of must, should, could (or won't). The following people have committed to organise tasks in this sprint:

The following people have actions following the meeting:
  • Andrew Flegg
  • Tim Samoff

Day-to-day activities will be reported on the Qaiku #maemork channel.

The next sprint meeting will be held at 13:30 UTC on Tuesday, September 1st.

If there are any errors or omissions on the page, please let me know.
Andrew Flegg -- |

Last edited by Jaffa; 2009-08-04 at 22:06. Reason: Add MoSCoW explanation

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