Poll: Do you seriously consider something other than the N900?
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Do you seriously consider something other than the N900?

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SubCore's Avatar
Posts: 850 | Thanked: 626 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Vienna, Austria
I've seen a number of people posting their disappointment with the recent delay of the N900. Many of them threaten to buy a competitor's device, or claim to already have done so.

now: in my opinion, this is THE device/platform to have. open, powerful, geeky.
i can't imagine buying anything else, none of the competitors come close to even be considered by me.

i have been waiting for this for a few years now . i read about Maemo when the N800 came out, but i didn't need a mobile device without gsm or 3g connetivity, so i had to hope that some day nokia would acknowledge my weekly virgin sacrifices and equip Maemo with cell phone functionality. Finally they did, and though i am as eager as anyone to hold it in my hands, i have no problem with waiting a few more weeks.

i'd like to get a little outline on how many people there really are on this board who actually consider the droid or some other inferior (in my opinion) device. is it just a vocal, but very small bunch of newbies, or is it a significant portion of this site's visitors?
eiffel's Avatar
Posts: 600 | Thanked: 742 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ England
I've pre-ordered the N900, but if the screen is too small for my eyes I'll need to consider something like the HTC HD2 (or preferably an Android device with the same form factor).

Maemo wins by being the most free software, but if it's unusable because of eyestrain then it doesn't help that it's the best software.

The N8x0 screen suited me much better. Give me an updated, faster N8x0 and I'd have no reason to consider any other product.


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Rashoodz's Avatar
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Dubai
I will get the N900, but the Motorola Milestone makes me "hmmm"
SubCore's Avatar
Posts: 850 | Thanked: 626 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Vienna, Austria
Originally Posted by Rashoodz View Post
I will get the N900, but the Motorola Milestone makes me "hmmm"
why is that?
is there some feature on the droid (aka "milestone") you miss on the n900? is it the battery life or maybe the price?
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Evry, France
I WILL get the n900, period!
Posts: 418 | Thanked: 174 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I will not get the N900.
I'm looking at tablets with screens larger than the N810 even - certainly not smaller.

If Nokia would come out with an N820 - without phone, faster and larger screen I would probably pre-order that...and I've never pre-ordered a thing in my life.

If I 'had' to make a purchase today for a smartphone it would be the droid over the N900.
I luv Google

Last edited by Tintin; 2009-11-03 at 14:41.
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Oct 2009
N900 wins all hands down with no competition in sight. Not sure what prompted you to even think about it?
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I've been waiting for the N900 since somewhere in September, patiently.
I downloaded the SDK, toyed with it, turned out my custom RSS reader et al, was very happy with the experience.

But now,.. the droid turns milestone and swims across the pond, and hell, it is sleek and slim and has a bigger screen with more apps...
It took me from 08:00 this morning until 30 minutes ago to come to the conclusion that the droid is better .. It's not thick and its keyboard isn't cramped at all.. Firefox is also heading its way to android and its also a linux phone. Sure, no FM transmitter,... but you know what,.. i'll buy it for 20 bucks, it'll be used in my car so no need to lugg it around.
I also like the droid's dock, goodbye to my crappy red-glowing alarmclock, i won't miss ya.

and for the N900? I won't miss you either, I didn't even get the chance to test it, the only thing it tested was my patience.
After stepping back and glancing at the two phones I find the N900 a brick with no multitouch and very little software.

The pre-order for the Milestone has been made, funds transferred, done deal.
NvyUs's Avatar
Posts: 1,885 | Thanked: 2,008 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ OVI MAPS
i seriously do consider something other than the n900, its called the n920 but its hard to get my head round something not known about
Posts: 670 | Thanked: 747 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Never seriously considered anything else, especially after the Moto Sholes/Droid turned out to be so completely disappointing. I ordered mine Sept 4th and I'll wait as long as it takes.

To me, those who pick one phone over another because of small differences in the camera, CPU, .6" of screensize or whatever are missing the point of The N900. Though the hardware is very good with a hard to beat feature set, the N900 is really all about the Maemo OS. No other mobile OS can come close. Maemo is the next step, the future of real pocket computing.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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