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My wife informed me that I would be getting a Nokia 770 (apparenlty Santa thinks I have been VERY good over the last year! - She also wanted to make sure she got all the right stuff). She was asking if there was anything peripherally rated, and I was thinking a RS-MMC of 1Gb would be good. Anyone have recommendations? I looked for some on line and it looks like you will have to order it (won't find it in CompUSA or places like that in Rochester, NY) - but the big question is: Which one? I saw some didn't support all Nokia products but they didn't sy anything about the 770?

Which brands have people been using?

THANKS! I am really really really excited!!
Rochester, NY
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IF you patch the 770 up to the latest OS release it can use 2gb cards. I have and I know several other people on these forums have the Kingston 2gb card and it seems to work well.
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ Metro Detroit Michigan USA
Originally Posted by Bromo33333
I was thinking a RS-MMC of 1Gb would be good. Anyone have recommendations? I looked for some on line and it looks like you will have to order it (won't find it in CompUSA or places like that in Rochester, NY) - but the big question is: Which one? I saw some didn't support all Nokia products but they didn't sy anything about the 770?
Congratulations! I got a Sandisk 1gig card from CDW for; I believe; around $30.00. I wish I would have waited and read a little more here. The card that comes with it is a dual voltage; two rows of contacts; and the Sandisk I have is single voltage. I believe it has to do with the speed not just power savings. I'm not a programmer so I probably don't notice the difference but now that I know If I buy another it will be a 2gig dual voltage and they are more expensive.


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i got the sandisk 1GB card from compusa or circuit city via online/mail delivery. not too expensive, and plenty worth it. i have a swap file on there for additional virtual memory, and the rest holds maps for maemo mapper. i may move up to the 2GB card or wait till the rumors about the 8GB are confirmed or denied...
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I believe that RS-MMC and MMCmobile are one in the same or at least both work with the Nokia 770. Can someone confirm or deny? My favorite place for this stuff is Newegg
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Originally Posted by Bromo33333
My wife informed me that I would be getting a Nokia 770 (apparenlty Santa thinks I have been VERY good over the last year!

On a side note, have santa plug in the charger and make sure santa see's a dark screen with a small battery symbol in the center with the words "charging" on the screen at which point inform santa to keep it plugged in until fully charged before wrapping; usually a couple of hours.

I just had a brand new one come in and it had the white screen of death right out of the box; clearly something you don't want to see on Christmas day !
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Posts: 531 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ This side of insane, that side of genius
has there been any confirmation of the 8GB rs-mmc cards or should i stop holding my breath?
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Get the mmcmobile if you want to flash hacked kernel with high speed mmc modes, kingston 2gb seems to work perfectly. Sandisk 1GB is plain RS-MMC and therefore cannot be made to run faster. I would avoid it and go for Kingston mmcmobile one (1 or 2 GB). Dual vs single voltage doesn't mater. AFAIK linux kernel in N770 doesn't support lower voltage for dual voltage cards.

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