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sph's Avatar
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Regarding to this brainstorm (I couldn't find the discussion thread), it's said to be implemented, but is it?
Originally Posted by Heinrich Schäfer
The current implementation of the task switcher/menu button seems to be inefficient and inconsistent. (as seen on at 1:10..)
Have watched the video, two month since then and no change in both SDK or retail N900, no extra buttons or additional gestures as was proposed in the solutions. I still have to do several unintuitive clicks before I reach the desired place.
  • A press-and-hold action could show the desktop

That's the only thing I have figured out, though holding the button for 3 seconds is very long and doesn't make anything less inefficient or inconsistent.

So what has been really implemented?
benny1967's Avatar
Posts: 3,790 | Thanked: 5,718 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Vienna, Austria
My guess is that "implemented" can also mean it's somewhere in Finland now, being tested, and will be released in one of the future updates.

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