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oafbot's Avatar
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Is it just me or is the new format for ITT really hard to read and navigate around...

I mean I like the colors, but its killing my eyes!

any others out there concur with me?
Reggie's Avatar
Posts: 1,436 | Thanked: 3,144 times | Joined on Jul 2005
I just added a font size selector at the upper right of the main page. That should help.

Thanks for the feedback.
Reggie Suplido
oafbot's Avatar
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Boston, Massachusetts
I might just need to get used to it...

but I certainly appreciate all the effort you've put into the site.

Here's to a happy new year and to the new purported younger brother to the 770 coming out soon!


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Reggie's Avatar
Posts: 1,436 | Thanked: 3,144 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Thanks. I actually got a comment that the fonts of the first version earlier tonight was quite hard to read on the N770. Since then, I made the orange shade lighter, and just a few minutes ago, added the font size selector at the main page. It looks great now on the N770, at the largest font size.

Thanks, happy new year to you too!
Reggie Suplido
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2006
Looks great in Firefox on my desktop; much better than the old style. Thanks!
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
I'm finding it a bit difficult also. I think the forum list needs horizontal rules (lines) between messages otherwise it looks one big mass of text without structure (particularly so on the "New Posts" list).

Likewise within a thread each message needs to have shading or rules applied to seperate the poster details, subject and body text.
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Strange bug in Firefox 2 on Windows - the menus for Search, Quick Links, Thread Tools etc are appearing way over to the right and nowhere near where they should be.

IE7 is similar, however Display Modes doesn't produce a menu at all in IE7.

This forum has the menus appearing where I would expect them to appear (and Display Mode is working in IE7 in the TiVo forum).

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-01-06 at 08:20.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
I'm finding it a bit difficult also. I think the forum list needs horizontal rules (lines) between messages otherwise it looks one big mass of text without structure (particularly so on the "New Posts" list).

Likewise within a thread each message needs to have shading or rules applied to seperate the poster details, subject and body text.
Same for me, more structure that separates sections surely would ease the reading experience (mostly use the site on Linux/KDE/Konqueror). Colour in general are O.K. for me.

Bye, and thanks for the great site, makes my 770 much more useful to me.
benny1967's Avatar
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OK, after the long version of this reply got lost in the bowels of the internet, i'll try again with a shorter version, skipping all the friendliness in between

It is a proven fact that the human eye can read black on white better than white on black. This, of course, also applies to any other bright/dark combination. I find myself hitting Ctrl+A to get the text blue on white for better reading when I get to a site with black background. - Also, orange as a text color is definitely courageous.

The text is too small. Having the 3 resize-buttons doenst change this, as the chosen size doesn't apply to all parts of the site and they only double a function thats built into the brwoser, anyway.

As said before, the forum needs a lot of structure. I'm lost in the soup of nicknames, headings, links, short forum entries... I couldn't even find the text input boxes for username/password and had to TAB to put my cursor in one of them.

To be quite honest: I don't like it. Sorry to say this. - Of course, it doesn't matter as this site is still by far the best source of information for the 770/800 and no design will keep me from visiting it several times a day.

Last edited by benny1967; 2007-01-06 at 12:28.
fpp's Avatar
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I'm with benny on the dark background religious issue.

Apart from that I have the following usability requests :

- the font size selector on the main page doesn't seem to apply to the forums, or is it just me ?

- on pages listing topics or threads, it is much harder than before to see which ones have new posts in them (bold or plain orange vs different shades of blue)

- in front of each listed thread are two large, static (non-clickable) icons (which are mostly eye-candy to me). In contrast, the incredibly useful "go to first post" is an almost invisible blue arrow that's quite difficult to click on, especially from the tablet... could you please make it bigger ? :-)

PS : about those "eye candy" icons... I can't see any difference between those for "Hot thread with new posts" and "Hot thread with no new posts", is there supposed to be one ?

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