Yesterday evening I set my n900 in offline mode.
This morning I wanted to change it back to online but after pressing the 'power-on' botton the 'online' button did not appear! It was just missing among the other buttons.
After switching off the n900 and switching it on again it asked if I wanted to stay in offline mode or not.
This made me wonder: Isn't there a command line tool to switch the device into online and offline mode?
Yesterday evening I set my n900 in offline mode.
This morning I wanted to change it back to online but after pressing the 'power-on' botton the 'online' button did not appear! It was just missing among the other buttons.
After switching off the n900 and switching it on again it asked if I wanted to stay in offline mode or not.
This made me wonder: Isn't there a command line tool to switch the device into online and offline mode?