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Forgotten1's Avatar
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Mesquite, Texas
Really looking at upgrading...Just want to know would waiting be the better option?
gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Forgotten1 View Post
Really looking at upgrading...
From a 770 to an n800?
Originally Posted by Forgotten1 View Post
Just want to know would waiting be the better option?
Waiting for what? For OS 2007 to come to the 770? (based on the title of this thread)

It seems to me that the reason to upgrade to an n800 would have to be hardware-related and not software-related.
Forgotten1's Avatar
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Mesquite, Texas
I have the N770. Is the 2007 OS worth the upgrade. I mainly use my N770 for internet and email.
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
OS2006 vs OS2007 - not much in it, not worth the upgrade at this point in time. Arguing for an upgrade based on the hardware proposition is a little more clear-cut, however.
Posts: 152 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2006
OS, wise no, nothing major, but the hardware is. But then again that's the whole thing about N800 vs. 770. The truth is even though OS2007 may not be that much difference than OS2006, but who know what about the OS2007.2 The software can only do so much, if the hardware doesn't allow it, then there is nothing you can do much about it. The truth is 770 is somewhat underpower to do a lot of neat stuff. Maybe and let me emphasize on maybe, N800, if they rewrite some of the code, tweaking some of the stuff out, youtube might actually be watchable. All it very need is 15fps to be watchable, and 23fps to be played smoothly. I was looking at top, and the system is running at like 90% CPU.
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I don't have a N800 yet, but from what I've heard, ITOS 2007 is not quite stable yet. Maybe it'll take some firmware releases from Nokia to get this near the stability of the current ITOS 2006. The first few firmware releases for the 770 used to be quite unstable and slow, too.

And considering YouTube, there is hope. Even the 770 can play many YouTube videos smoothly with mplayer, so the necessary CPU power is definitely there in the N800. My guess is that the Flash 7 plugin is not optimized for the N800. Hopefully, this'll change with future firmware releases.

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