after updating to PR1.1 i have a problem with the automatic connection to wifi.
Before the update the N900 connects to every wifi it "knows" automatically like a charm. Now after the update, every time if a programm wants to connect to the web, the n900 prompts the selection dialogue, although i have checked the "automatically connect to wifi"-option.
I give you a short discription of the history after the update to PR1.1:
Just after the update i have the DNS problem mentioned in this thread:
Because i did not have vpnc installed any longer i couldn't follow the instructions in the thread. The mentioned ibicd_network_ipv4.script.dpkg-dist did not exist.
Originally Posted by jsbigs
I removed vpnc gui and vpnc (didn't need it as I got OpenVPN to work), then went through the following steps:
1. Install 'rootsh' package
2. Open X Terminal
3. Enter 'sudo gainroot'
4. Enter 'mv /etc/udhcpc/libicd_network_ipv4.script.dpkg-dist /etc/udhcpc/libicd_network_ipv4.script'
rebooted, re-connected to LAN and...back in business!!
Instead i was forced to rename the libicd_network_ipv4.script to libicd_network_ipv4.script_1. After that i renamed the old one back to it's original name. I think the old one was build by vpnc a time ago.
After all that, the network connections work ok, but automatic connection to wifi isn't working any longer.
I hope, that someone could give me a hint, where an how to fix this problem.
after updating to PR1.1 i have a problem with the automatic connection to wifi.
Before the update the N900 connects to every wifi it "knows" automatically like a charm. Now after the update, every time if a programm wants to connect to the web, the n900 prompts the selection dialogue, although i have checked the "automatically connect to wifi"-option.
I give you a short discription of the history after the update to PR1.1:
Just after the update i have the DNS problem mentioned in this thread:
Because i did not have vpnc installed any longer i couldn't follow the instructions in the thread. The mentioned ibicd_network_ipv4.script.dpkg-dist did not exist.
After all that, the network connections work ok, but automatic connection to wifi isn't working any longer.
I hope, that someone could give me a hint, where an how to fix this problem.
Thx in anticipation