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I've got an N810 running OS2008, and occasionally (seemingly randomly), when I'm connecting to WiFi, I'll connect but not be able to resolve hostnames to addresses. I can ping numbers fine, but not names.

It looks like when things work fine, a file called /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0 has the information that I'd usually expect to see in /etc/resolv.conf. When things don't work, the file in /tmp is empty (the file in /etc never seems to change). When things don't work, I have to power cycle the tablet to get things working again.

It's a terribly frustrating problem, any clues on what's going on or how to fix it?

Last edited by jason0x21; 2010-01-25 at 13:42.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I've also just started noticing this problem. DNS will work the first time I establish a network connection after restarting the device, but /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0 will be empty on subsequent connections.

I've tried manually editing /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0 after connecting, but changes seem to be immediately overwritten with an empty file. I know that udhcpc creates this file, but apparently something (perhaps udhcpc itself) is overwriting this file even after the connection is established. Restarting udhcpc or networking does not help; the device must be restarted. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

FWIW, I have an N800 running Diablo (5.2008.43-7).
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ New York, NY
I think I've been having something similar for the past 2 weeks or so. Maybe once every 2 days my N800 will have the problem wherein it will connect to a network, but once it does, DNS doesn't seem to work. Once that happens, nothing other than a reboot seems to fix it. I haven't had a chance to check that resolv.conf.wlan0 file while it was in the midst of the problem, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it had the same issue.

Alas, I don't know the fix either. I can say that reflashing, however, is *not* the fix (at least in my case), as I reflashed twice and still had the problem.
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Others have had related problems recently; see this thread. I find that changing /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/udhcpc/libicd_network_ipv4.script so that all of the resolv.conf.* files are searched for in /var/run instead of /tmp, then restarting udhcpd and dnsmasq, seems to fix the problem.
Posts: 137 | Thanked: 150 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I am having a similar but almost opposite problem. I have manual DNS settings configured for my wifi and sometimes (always after a reboot I think) they are just not used and DHCP is used to get the DNS servers.
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Do you guys have omweather installed? The latest version is filling the /tmp partition with a log file, and with the partition full it's impossible to update /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0.
Just rm /tmp/omw.log and reconnect (and remove omweather until it's fixed).

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I do have OMWeather installed! I'd been suspecting it could be the cause, as I think the latest version got installed just a few days before I started having the issue.
I could hardly live without my OMWeather, though, so (if my latest fix attempts didn't resolve the problem, which they probably didn't), then instead of uninstalling it, I'll just downgrade to the previous version, which I had for months with no problem.
Thanks for the info and I'm hoping this will help me resolve my seemingly random no-internet issue. I'll try to respond once I know for sure if this helped. (Now if I could just get my tablet to stop randomly rebooting every couple of days.)

Last edited by caimanjosh; 2010-01-22 at 20:04.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2008 @ Raleigh, NC, USA
Originally Posted by luca View Post
Do you guys have omweather installed? The latest version is filling the /tmp partition with a log file, and with the partition full it's impossible to update /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0.
Just rm /tmp/omw.log and reconnect (and remove omweather until it's fixed).
That was totally it. Thanks! Now to remove omweather.

EDIT: I actually ended up symlinking omw.log to /dev/null. That should take care of it and let me keep omweather running.

Last edited by jason0x21; 2010-01-25 at 13:46.
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ New York, NY
EDIT: I actually ended up symlinking omw.log to /dev/null. That should take care of it and let me keep omweather running.
Could you explain how you did that? I'd like to do it also, but haven't the vaguest idea of how symlinking works...thanks!
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ New York, NY
EDIT: I actually ended up symlinking omw.log to /dev/null. That should take care of it and let me keep omweather running.
Could you explain how you did that? I'd like to do it also, but haven't the vaguest idea of how symlinking works...thanks!

Also, I don't suppose anyone let the authors of OMWeather know about this issue? If not, I'll try and figure out the best way to contact them, as I'm sure they could easily fix it.

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