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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Hello there.
My name is Natalia and I need some help with my university project. I am currently gathering research on why to choose n900. If any of you who already bought the device could help be by answering questions below, I would be eternally grateful. The results will only be used in my university project and not shared beyond that.

You could answer them here or email me at nataszan (at)

Thank you very much for any help and time spent reading this! I appreciate any comments.

1. Do you live in a city / small town / rural area?

2. Have you bought n900 on impulse or pre-planned and researched it?


3. Have you chosen the device based on brand values or specs?


4. Has the operating system it runs on (Maemo/Linux) influenced your choice?

it definitely has---------------------------------------it definitely has not

5. How strongly do you agree with this statement? “I chose Nokia n900 partly because I dislike the iPhone”

strongly agree------------------------------------------strongly disagree
Posts: 100 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ San Diego, CA
1. small town
3. 3
4. 5
5. 3
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1. small town

2. 4

3. 4

4. 4

5. 3
Posts: 83 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Liverpool, UK
1. A large city (500k population, ish)
2. I've pre-planned it - decided i'd get one the day it was announced. 5!
3. Both - the specs are incredible, and i've always used Nokias. Maybe it's their European-ness, I don't know. But they're just better. So 3?
4. The Maemo platform made me hold out for the UK release, instead of settling for the N97 - so 1.
5. I didn't CHOOSE it because I dislike the iPhone, but putting iPhone owners in their place is an amazing feature I didn't expect. 3!

Hope that helps..
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1. Large City
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1. City
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Posts: 58 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Germany
1. Small village, next city/town (population 80.000) is 10km away.
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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Wow, thank you so much guys, I'm amazed already at the speed of your replies! It is indeed very much appreciated.

Posts: 20 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Sweden..Where polar bears roams the streets
1.Small town
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1. Small Town
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