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I'm no Wordsworth, and i'd need to be to truly express my disappointment with the iPad. It seems to be to the iPhone what the DSi was to the DS - a lazy upgrade.

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10" tablet with a phone OS... Ingenious.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
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No 3G, no webcam, no keyboard.

I just bought an Acer Aspire One (Atom N450) with keyboard, Windows 7, webcam, etc for $299. It is a GREAT PC.

I don't know the price of the iPad, but it better not be more than $349, and even that would be pushing it at this point.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief that Apple didn't do anything revolutionary here. One thing they do understand is how to to build a touch-based UI -- I wish other UI teams would learn from them.

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no flash. no multitasking...

Do you think will it be possible to make it dual boot?

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As much as iPhone...
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Bundyo's Avatar
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No 3G = no subsidy = fail... Unless it is $200 without one.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
HangLoose's Avatar
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And to think that Nokia had, has?, everything ready for this market and decided to cut EXACTLY on that?!

Oh boy, it seems to me that those guys up there do not really understand how the technology world goes...

I hope, better I beg, Nokia to release a damn tablet with M6. Forget that weird boklet monster and just go with a tablet.

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The thread "Porting maemo/debian on iPad?" with two posts has been merged into this thread.

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no flash no plug ins for a browser on 10 inch screen = double fail

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I wouldn't be too quick to say "no 3G"... otherwise, I'm totally underwhelmed. The ability to run iWork on the iPad though is a good point. But the form factor just... the bezel is huge.

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apple, ifarted, ipad, tablet

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