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pretty good spec & design for a .. samsung -_-
Think it's gonna compete with maemo & android ?

Last edited by U.ser; 2010-02-14 at 12:12.
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Also note it has been said that SDK is about to be released ...
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Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

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i think it's ugly. don't like buttons on the front.
i wish someone would make a properly designed phone, so front would be 100 percent screen, then stick speaker/mic on the back. Though I guess that would mean you can't open the cover to change battery for example.

other thing I thought was great about older Nokia phones was that you could hotswap memory from the side, too hard now on the N900

actually now that I think about it, one could make the back cover removable from only 70 percent area from the back, so they could leave 15 percent in both ends for mic/speaker. maybe have red/green phone buttons on the back as well.
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just like how they made their cars, takes parts from everybody and produces an ugly mix
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Samsung make cars?

Thanks for playing.
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I was a tester for it recently against the iPhone.
Its not a bad little handset, but has its flaws.

Good things:
- GREAT screen
- Very Smooth
- Very Responsive
- Can have as many Widget/Menu screens as wanted
- Colours are brilliant
- Music Player is pretty decent
- Useful Widgets

Bad things:
- With a few Applications you can end up with 9-10 menu screens.....
- Feels very simple
- Camera is less than impressive
- Keyboard WAY too small
- Widgets are too big, resulting in 1-2 widgets per page

Those are some of the things that I think about the phone, I spent the day playing around with it and gauging what I thought. Its a decent phone, but it tries to carbon copy the iPhone in a lot of ways, the biggest problem for me is that the keyboard is tiny on screen and almost impossible to use. Other than that it probably has the best screen I've seen on a mobile phone to date!
Generally though, Bada doesn't feel/look any different to any of Samsungs other mobile phones, almost as if they just wanted their own OS to play with.....
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If they teamed up with MicroSoft would it be called the "Bada Bing"?

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Some Pictures of the phone in question

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Originally Posted by LondonBenji View Post
Samsung make cars?
Looking at that diamond shape near the bottom it looks like Renault have made it

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