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After all the FUN here with the N900, do you guys think Meego will be as OPEN as Maemo was?

The openness is what brought me to the N900.
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It's supposed to be more open...

Maemo has closed components.
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MeeGo will be open, but MeeGo AFAIU is only the basis for companies to build their OS on, adding DRM, trust zones, etc. Much like Android, I suppose.
The DRM implementation might be opensource but the resulting device wouldn't be open.
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Last edited by pycage; 2010-02-17 at 18:51.

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Posts: 292 | Thanked: 131 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I consider the N900 to be the "most" open device today. But it is not fully open. There is proprietary software (drivers, mainly).
Posts: 151 | Thanked: 77 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Whats with the misleading sensationalist title? Of course it won't be the last, it wasn't the first either.
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i think the point is, that we can do many things with our root access on the n900, e.g. changing the color of the led, editing system files of the ui (e.g. reboot button) and things like that.

The question for me is, if this is still possible with meego... its no problem for me if there are some parts in the os which are closed (security related things a.s.o. has to be closed) but it would make meego a bad open os, if its not at least as open as maemo5

lets hope...

Posts: 148 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I think this is a matter of individual devices and whether they're locked to a carrier. As long as there are still companies like Nokia making unlocked phones with easy root access, I don't see a problem. I'll just avoid any devices that are crippled.
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Originally Posted by Brock View Post
The question for me is, if this is still possible with meego... its no problem for me if there are some parts in the os which are closed (security related things a.s.o. has to be closed) but it would make meego a bad open os, if its not at least as open as maemo5
Security-related things don't have to be closed - DRM has to be closed or it would take minutes to break rather than hours or days.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 67 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Santiago, Chile
i did read somewhere that with meego it will be a lot more easier for the device to be carrier crippled...

i really hope there will still be open devices around. i hate nothing more then to having to jailbreak a device to be able to install certain applications or use the device my way
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AFAIK, there are no fully open phones available generally. The closest small device (if you are willing to give up phone capabilities beyond VOIP) is probably the Archos 5 with the Angstrom Linux Distro installed (as a dual boot with Android).

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