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Posts: 242 | Thanked: 103 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Sheffield, UK
When the N900 was first released, many people were worried that carriers wouldn't 'get' it, sell it just like other phones and get loads of returns because the users didn't like the lack of portrait mode, no app store etc. There was also some concern that it wouldn't be widely advertised and so receive little attention.

In England at least I've been pleasantly surprised that the likes of Carphone Warehouse and Vodafone have been prominently advertising the N900 in their shops and their windows and also I've seen various posters and billboards around.

More impressive though is that I've noticed in both shops (or at least some of their branches) that they don't actually display the handset for customers to play with but actually request that they ask for a demonstration. I am assuming that this is so the shop assistants can explain in more detail the unique qualities of the device.

What about in other countries? Have you seen much prominent advertising for the N900? And how are shops/carriers actually presenting the device to its customers?
zwer's Avatar
Posts: 455 | Thanked: 782 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Netherlands
It was not, and it still isn't. Only one operator sells it for very unattractive price to make a switch and lock yourself for two years. I wouldn't buy a subsidized device either way.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
MohammadAG's Avatar
Posts: 2,473 | Thanked: 12,265 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Jerusalem, PS/IL
It's not available in my country, imported it from the US
Banned | Posts: 109 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2010
No advertisements in the US
plaban's Avatar
Posts: 395 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ India
Not released in India.Got it from US.
msa's Avatar
Posts: 909 | Thanked: 216 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Bremen, Germany
released in germany, but basically no advertisement here.

the only "ad" i've seen was on mtv during a break when southpark was on. there is a sms-contest and they're giving away a n900 when you answer a southpark-related question xD
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 641 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Switzerland
Released in Switzerland, but no advertisement (at least I haven't seen any so far)
Banned | Posts: 206 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Vancouver
It's Not. In Canada they are still hawking Motorola RAZR's at us, and the occasional Samsung Omnia II OFFICIAL PHONE OF THE 2010 WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES!
Posts: 543 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Germany
No advertisement here in Germany, its really strange that Nokia doesn't makes more advertisement cause that is the key to success.
Posts: 254 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Not launched here in India as yet!

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