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You have to flash a different hacked OS from newer device, but nonetheless it is possible. Maemo when?
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Is Flash really that important?

We are talking about a proprietory internet "standard". Are we really that desperate to have installed on mobile devices too?
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I say yes, just my opinon, which at the end of the day is a bit like old ladies farts..... never really amounts to anything.
Average Joe kinda guy.. but a person too.

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Originally Posted by johnel View Post
Is Flash really that important?

We are talking about a proprietory internet "standard". Are we really that desperate to have installed on mobile devices too?
Yes very important - due to hardware acceleration alone.

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yes.this device has been marketed everywhere with word flash.Even offical n900 page has screencap of vimeo(sad part is that it is unwatcahble)
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Flash is on most websites in some capacity or another. For this device to truly be a mobile computer it should offer a similar if not identical web experience. That's part of its draw for me as I find myself using my N900 for more than I expected versus my laptop.
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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are the following the main functions of flash (in order of importance) on the web:

1. De facto video player applet.
2. (Generally encumbered) UI/menu system for flashy websites.
3. (Fairly nice) multimedia content player; unfortunately the heavy flash advertisements outnumbers the 'good' content.
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Same here, i use my N900 far more than my laptop so its important that my N900s browser can do what my laptop browser can, im not expecting flash 10 on the N900 but it would be great if it comes.
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Originally Posted by quipper8 View Post

You have to flash a different hacked OS from newer device, but nonetheless it is possible. Maemo when?
Its possible on the N900 - there are several videos showing it working and we knew it was coming to the nexus as well. All this really proves is that android releases are leakier than an antique water closet. When its released main stream then I will get excited.
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Posts: 999 | Thanked: 1,117 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ earth?
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are the following the main functions of flash (in order of importance) on the web:

1. De facto video player applet.
2. (Generally encumbered) UI/menu system for flashy websites.
3. (Fairly nice) multimedia content player; unfortunately the heavy flash advertisements outnumbers the 'good' content.

I just think Flash is bloated, a resource hog and generally an online video player (a bad one at that but people thinj the ui is so "shiney"!).

I just think upgrading the n900 browser with html 5 tags (e.g. video tags) would be better.

There are sites out there that already have "beta" versions of html 5 video-enabled pages.

I just think Flash is over-rated.
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