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There seems to be an area of my N800's screen that is losing pressure sensitivity. This area is just to the lower right of the screen's center. It isn't completely dead yet, just takes a great deal more pressure to register clicks. Its mainly an issue when using the stylus, somehow finger input is much less affected.
I have had my N800 since CompUSA started selling them back at the beginning of January, so a little over a month, and this problem just appeared. The back of my unit says its made in Korea.
Is this the kind of situation that Nokia would under warranty be obliged to fix?

I attached a screenshot of a test i did in Maemopad+. I spent a good 10 minutes tapping randomly with the stylus. You can see the area that has lost sensitivity. Maemopad+ has the ability to detect how hard the user presses on the screen and adjusts the width of the drawn lines accordingly. You can see there is a gradual dropoff in sensitivity around the deadzone where the dots get smaller because the digitizer is crapping out.

Has anyone else experienced this?
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Karel Jansens's Avatar
Posts: 3,220 | Thanked: 326 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ "Almost there!" (Monte Christo, Count of)
And there's me, not even knowing Maemopad+ had pressure-sensitive input!

W00t! It's gone right back on NaB00!!!
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
haha yea i was really surprised by that too.
It makes writing notes on the screen alot easier.
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Isn't the warranty good for a year ? Sounds like you should be able to get it dealt with, though I have never had to deal with nokia tech support...
Good luck with it.
rcull's Avatar
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What version of Maemopad+ do you have. I cant find any setting to allow this. Mine is 0.23a

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my version of Maemopad+ is 0.25b.
The pressure sensitivity is very subtle. There is no setting i see to enable or disable it in my version.

Maybe you have it and just didn't notice?
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ColonelMustard View Post
my version of Maemopad+ is 0.25b.
The pressure sensitivity is very subtle. There is no setting i see to enable or disable it in my version.

Maybe you have it and just didn't notice?
I like the fact that it's indeed subtle: You need skill and training to make it work. So many things these days are just too bl**dy easy.
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It could be improved if you have suggestions Pressure-sensitive input is introduced in 0.25 (only on the n800), and currently there's no way to disable it (though i'm not sure the option is required)

I can also detect "finger presses" on the canvas btw but nothing to do with them, especially considering sometimes putting your finger on accidentally draws a dot/line on the canvas if you're not too careful. (it's disabled on the release so if you try with the current version it will just keep drawing dots/lines)
Karel Jansens's Avatar
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Originally Posted by disq View Post
It could be improved if you have suggestions Pressure-sensitive input is introduced in 0.25 (only on the n800), and currently there's no way to disable it (though i'm not sure the option is required)

I can also detect "finger presses" on the canvas btw but nothing to do with them, especially considering sometimes putting your finger on accidentally draws a dot/line on the canvas if you're not too careful. (it's disabled on the release so if you try with the current version it will just keep drawing dots/lines)
How many pressure levels does the N800 recognize?
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
floating point numbers from 0.1 to 0.39999999 (0.4 and up being a "finger press") but it's not very accurate ie. not much difference between 0.15 and 0.17 for example.

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