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Posts: 42 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010
The Maemo-specific WA_* attributes in Qt, originally documented in Qt 4.6 docs, are gone in the new 1.2 SDK !
They have even been removed from the docs!

A few of those attributes were essential, like the one to make stacked windows -- how are we supposed to do them now?

Last edited by toyg; 2010-03-23 at 15:28.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Fremont, CA
I have updated my SDK but I can still use WA_Maemo5StackedWindow, WA_Maemo5LandscapeOrientation, and WA_Maemo5PortraitOrientation etc. as well as the previous version, 4.6.2~git20100212-0maemo1.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Weird :/
I have to say I use Qt through the python bindings, but it was working before and now it doesn't. I guess the PyQt mantainers need to do some compilation magic.

What I found more worrying was that all references to those attributes (and all mentions of Maemo) have been scrubbed from the online docs at They are still available in the version at . I'm sure in the past they were the same, so I freaked out a bit.
But if you say they are still there, I can relax
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Originally Posted by toyg View Post
Weird :/
I have to say I use Qt through the python bindings, but it was working before and now it doesn't. I guess the PyQt mantainers need to do some compilation magic.
I presume you are using PyQt from Extras, which is compiled against Qt4.5 (which does a few things differently than Qt4.6). PyQt compiled against Qt4.6 (thus supporting all of it's constants and classes) will follow PR1.2 closely. I had all the stuff already tested with the libqt4-maemo5-* and it worked nicely, though as you say, there seem to be some changes under the hood, not just simple renaming (hence I will wait for actual PR1.2 to be released before I push the Qt4.6 version to Extras-*)
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Posts: 42 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
I will wait for actual PR1.2 to be released before I push the Qt4.6 version to Extras-*
BTW, do you plan to build PyQt for MeeGo once we get a build with Qt on top?
Posts: 3,319 | Thanked: 5,610 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Finland
Originally Posted by toyg View Post
BTW, do you plan to build PyQt for MeeGo once we get a build with Qt on top?
Absolutely. The only question is how many extensions will it have to vanilla Qt, as those will probably not be supported until MeeGo gets a stable release.
Blogging about mobile linux - The Penguin Moves!
Maintainer of PyQt (see introduction and docs), AppWatch, QuickBrownFox, etc

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