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Posts: 51 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Problems with browser MicroB. OS2008 Version: 5.2008.43-7.
Worked fine one day and the next it started acting up.
I can connect to the Internet and some web pages open and work for the most part. But most pages either don't load or if they do and I try to click on a link on the page it tries to load the new web page and sometimes flashes the page for a second then the screen goes white and I get Reload: message.
If I click on the reload link it will try to load the web page and go back to the white screen and get the Reload message again or it goes back to the original web page and I get the same results all over again or the browser will just close.
I have tried to open pages I have Bookmarked and also tried to enter web addresses in the Google search and get the same results.
Another question about the Scroll key. It started flashing the blue light every few seconds. It does it if the IT is turned on and it does it if it is turned off but charging.
I have never reflashed my IT and really don't know how to. If that is what I need to do I need simple instructions as how to do it.
Would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2007
OK I figured reflash out. In my ignorance I did not realize Reflash was just like updating OS and did that. I get lost in the terminology here sometimes.(Hint to those in the know..some of us are not and never will be as savvy as you are and we appreciate help and simple explanations when we ask for that help.)
I reinstalled the things saved on Backup/Restore. Then tried to open a few web pages. So far so good. Seems to of fixed it, at least for now.

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