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I Was all exited about the galaxy s (GS from now) , it has all the goodies from the hummingbird-snapdragon-killer processor to the Touchwiz-MotoBLUR-Rachel-Sense-killer , of course the 5MP camera had no flash but hell with it , i had a 3.MP-no-AF-no-Flash SE w595 and i was extremely fine with that , but soon , after damn GSMarena previewed the phone and posted this pic that made me confused :

Wow people , It's HUGE ! , screw iPhone , it is tiny , But the X10 that i've tried in a couple og days back then , hell it WAS BIGGER than the HD2 which my hand hardly hold (tiny hand i know) but that because it was to wide
the X10 was tall alright i know but i could hold it without any trouble , maybe because it wasn't all-wide like the HD2 .. but what about the galaxy

in GSMarena (the guy who previews phone has a hell of a big hand) said that the GS was hard to hold or something like that
i can deal with long phones , honestly my pansonic home-telefone is Shaq O'nealle , but the issue is wide stuff like HD2

If i wanted a geek phone hell i would've got an n900 or a nexus one , but i need a phone that i can play cool with , the reason i want the GS is the super amoled and android , if it was wide too i think i'll pretty much 'dump' android and buy a samsung wave

but waddya think people ? does size matters ? or its just too huge ?

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I dont think its a bad size but a "killer" phone coming out today with just 5mp and NO FLASH?! Sorry dude, this is a serious flaw in my opinion.

If one is used with bluetooth headsets than size does not matter much since it stays inside of the pocket. For me is no problem, but there is always going to have people that prefer other sizes and colours.
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I havn't held the x10 or anything with 4" screen, but I can say I would really want the N900 to be thinner and with a bigger screen. So go for the big screen
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Originally Posted by U.ser View Post
If i wanted a geek phone hell i would've got an n900 or a nexus one , but i need a phone that i can play cool with , the reason i want the GS is the super amoled and android , if it was wide too i think i'll pretty much 'dump' android and buy a samsung wave
HTC Desire?
smoku (SMTP/XMPP) ...:.:....:... pebbled . Poky Fish : sixaxis . psx4m . uae4all
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Amoled and capacitive screens sux. Resisitive are much more preffered over capacitive if you want to browse the web. Amoled are useless in sunlight.

The snapdragon are not better than the Omap3 that the n900 have... so i am not sure the Samsung would be cool. Not in my eyes anyway. The n900 will give you most freedom especially if you are a geek.

So far all i have showed my n900 too have been impressed of what it does. I have a couple of collegues who will switch their iphones for one next time they buy. By then it probably will be a MeeGo device.

Ohh.. a n900 with 4" would rule the world.
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amoled is maybe useless in sunlight, but superAMOLEDīs r definitely a huge improvement in that field and it can be compared at sunlight readability to TFT. I have to agree that capacitive display technology is not better over resistive in terms of comfort and precision. Though the Cortex A8 Hummingbird processor with PowerVR SGX540 graphics chip is gonna be kick-a*s*s. Wish that was already in n900.

Last edited by PFhawk; 2010-05-17 at 12:21.
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I don't really mind screen size. A bigger screen will be a bigger size. I like the thickness. In fact it would be harder to hold if it was thin. And it is not very long and not very wide, so it fits well in my pocket. Weight is the only thing that bothers me..but not that much.

If size matters to you don't go for the samsung. There are other alternatives. However the iphone is too wide in my opinion. What do you want in a phone?
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Originally Posted by HangLoose View Post
I dont think its a bad size but a "killer" phone coming out today with just 5mp and NO FLASH?! Sorry dude, this is a serious flaw in my opinion.

If one is used with bluetooth headsets than size does not matter much since it stays inside of the pocket. For me is no problem, but there is always going to have people that prefer other sizes and colours.

it is a big flaw , but personally i'm O.K with it , the fact that there is a 4'' display (bigger than a PSP's display) with SuperAMOLED covers that for me

and true that if it stays in your pocket it dosen't matter , thanks for the tip !

Originally Posted by Lullen View Post
I havn't held the x10 or anything with 4" screen, but I can say I would really want the N900 to be thinner and with a bigger screen. So go for the big screen

thanks bro ! hopefully you peps get a hell of a MeeGo device

Originally Posted by smoku View Post
HTC Desire?
No HD Video Recording + Screen Unseen in sunlight .. i was about to buy it tho' , until i red the impressions in

Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Amoled and capacitive screens sux. Resisitive are much more preffered over capacitive if you want to browse the web. Amoled are useless in sunlight.

The snapdragon are not better than the Omap3 that the n900 have... so i am not sure the Samsung would be cool. Not in my eyes anyway. The n900 will give you most freedom especially if you are a geek.

So far all i have showed my n900 too have been impressed of what it does. I have a couple of collegues who will switch their iphones for one next time they buy. By then it probably will be a MeeGo device.

Ohh.. a n900 with 4" would rule the world.
well that's your opinion , my sis has an n97 mini , resistive 3.2 TFT screen , and i've tried a dozen of capacitive screen , i'd say capacitive rocks , easy , comfortable and fun for games

and that is AMOLED , but we're talking SUPER here

an n900 with 4" SuperAMOLED Capacitive sreen would OWN The world !

Originally Posted by PFhawk View Post
amoled is maybe useless in sunlight, but superAMOLEDīs r definitely a huge improvement in that field and it can be compared at sunlight readability to TFT. I have to agree that capacitive display technology is not better over resistive in terms of comfort and precision. Though the Cortex A8 Hummingbird processor with PowerVR SGX540 graphics chip is gonna be kick-a*s*s. Wish that was already in n900.
with the Galaxy S , it's all about gaming bro , thats why it grabbed my attention in the first place , that it has almost 34% GPU of a Playstation 3 , i was like HELL I'M GETTING THIS !

and the good part it is for android , because it has lots of games , hopefully MeeGo will too

Originally Posted by pantera1989 View Post
I don't really mind screen size. A bigger screen will be a bigger size. I like the thickness. In fact it would be harder to hold if it was thin. And it is not very long and not very wide, so it fits well in my pocket. Weight is the only thing that bothers me..but not that much.

If size matters to you don't go for the samsung. There are other alternatives. However the iphone is too wide in my opinion. What do you want in a phone?
Galaxy S is light tho' , about 118g , lighter than my old w595 , and yea true that if it's long it has to be wide , i dont know how BL40 New Chocolate Owners live
size matters , but not that much , something wide as HD2 or something long as LG BL40 is unholdable for small hands people like myself
the iPhone is too wide , true , but it's seems very close to the GS , with GS being taller , if the GS had a 3.7" SuperAMOLED screen with the same spec and smaller size will be awesome !

what do i want in a phone ? , i want it to be like my iPod (Loud and Clear Music Experience) , my PSP (Hardcore 3D Gaming) , my iPad (True Internet Experience) And My DVD Player (Large High Quality Screen , HD Video Playback) And My Phone (With Android , At Least 5MP Camera With AF and HD Video Recording , At Least 3.5" Screen That Is Visible In Sunlight)
and all that is found in Galaxy S , and the N8 If i Deleted Android (not gonna happen specially for symbian)

Thanks Everyone Tho' , I'm Going To The Big S
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A new tablet, Samsung Galaxy Tab, will be launched in South Africa.

Looking good!
In anticipation of TMO's obsolescence, and hoping to meet you all again: elsewhere on the interwebs, I am Dr Doppio.
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.. but also lookin' HUGE !! , better than the iPad tho'

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