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crown77's Avatar
Posts: 218 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Germany , Thüringen
just for your information the android Port for the 3gs and 2g Iphone is ready to download and for install .. maybe we can get some new information or ideas about Android for the N900 from this?


Posts: 1,306 | Thanked: 1,697 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Durham North-East UK
its fro 3g and 2g not 3gs
crown77's Avatar
Posts: 218 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Germany , Thüringen
alright steve sorry my fault so do you think we can learn a little bit from this project for the N900/android port?

best regards crown
Posts: 1,306 | Thanked: 1,697 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Durham North-East UK
not really as i dont think theirs a whole lot the same - n900 is far more open source than the i'crap'phone is
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Campinas, SP, Brazil
This title is misleading. I just thought dj_steve had finished the 3G part of NITdroid for the N900... Please change it, crown77.
My nickname on freenode is ptl, that is, the consonants of my nickname here. Kind of a long story.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Patola For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,306 | Thanked: 1,697 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Durham North-East UK
yea i was thinking that till i read it lol, no ive not even got close to getting phoen side runnign yet
Descalzo's Avatar
Posts: 369 | Thanked: 167 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Yes. Please change the title. It gets my hopes up even after I know what it's about!
HtheB's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 3,718 | Thanked: 7,420 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bize Her Yer Trabzon
misleading title!
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Siggen's Avatar
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Norway
Well, i installed the iDroid binary on my iPhone. and it was less than pleasing to use.

1. Did not go as smooth as advertised
2. Touchscreen was not calibrated
3. The phone got really hot
4. Wifi function was not finished (though usable)
5. No Android Market
6. The installation instruction did not include the making of virtual SD car image (though this is easy to make with dd anyway)
7. Most programs already inside the image crashes.
8. The physical buttons were not logical
9. No way to do a proper reboot, even though Planetbeing (the porter) states that improper shutdowns may ruin the iPhone OS installation.
10. didn't find a way to hang up
11. not straight forward to sync the phone with anything
12. one hour battery time
13. had to turn of PIN code lock

Anyway a good job, i dont use my iPhone a lot anyway so this was just installed for the heck of it.

The Following User Says Thank You to Siggen For This Useful Post:
Siggen's Avatar
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Norway
Well, i installed the iDroid binary on my iPhone. and it was less than pleasing to use.

1. Did not go as smooth as advertised
2. Touchscreen was not calibrated
3. The phone got really hot
4. Wifi function was not finished (though usable)
5. No Android Market
6. The installation instruction did not include the making of virtual SD car image (though this is easy to make with dd anyway)
7. Most programs already inside the image crashes.
8. The physical buttons were not logical
9. No way to do a proper reboot, even though Planetbeing (the proter) states that improper shutdowns may ruin the iPhone OS installation.
10. didn't find a way to hang up
11. not straight forward to sync the phone with anything
12. one hour battery time

Anyway a good job, i dont use my iPhone a lot anyway so this was just installed for the heck of it.

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