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since PR1.2 my EMails also deleted from the server while the option "keep emails on server" is activated. with PR1.1.1 everything worked fine.

is there a bug known? any solutions?

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I to have noticed this, and have been trying all afternoon to correct the problem.

I thought it was because I didn't flash the EMMC - after re-flashing it twice I can not stop it from deleting from the server.

I have tried deleting the email settings and manually re-typing them back in with no effect, and there is no setting with in the email app that I can see to prevent this from happening.

It appears that the emails aren't deleted if you manually send & receive but only after an automatic send & receive is done. (Will need to double check this)

As a result I have deleted emails from my N900 assuming they will ultimately end up on my PC - they don’t as they are deleted from the server.

It's very annoying as I rarely switch on my PC these days because I find the N900 good enough for day-to-day web browsing and email, but I always want my emails to end up on my PC, and the PC is setup to delete from server after 14 days, this guarantees I receive emails on both the PC and my N900 even if the PC is on and I am out.
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
i flashed also the EMMC when updating to PR1.2

my emails also deleted when i manually send & receive

tried everything
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As we both have the same problem and neither can solve it I have created a bug report if you wish to add to it.
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I would not consider it as a bug - for me "leave messages on the server" means "download and do not delete" but if I delete the message on the phone I want it to be deleted on the server as well. In some previous posts people complained about it as a missing feature on the pre-PR1.2 firmware. Now it behaves exactly like on my older E51 - messages deleted on phone are deleted also on the server upon next sync with pop3 server.
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Ok, so its a change of behaviour with no way to control it. Bad.

Normal email clients on a PC don't behave like this AFAIK. The messages are either deleted when you retrieve them, after a set number of days or not at all.

"Leave messages on server" means exactly that. There should be an option to delete from server when deleted from phone, it shouldn't just do it automatically without a option to prevent it (turned off by default as people are going to loose emails without expecting it - let them switch it on because they will then know what to expect).

Anyway having been messing with this since writing the bug report; 2 of my test emails out of about 20 deleted by the phone have not been deleted from the server. This occured when I was messing about with the "Update automatically" chekcbox. So it doesn't behave correctly anyway, but I assume it is something to do with the fact that "Send & receive" dosen't work all the time.
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Originally Posted by daniel.gazda View Post
Now it behaves exactly like on my older E51 - messages deleted on phone are deleted also on the server upon next sync with pop3 server.
Ok, did you have an option along the line of:
Email deletion:
1. Always ask
2. From phone only
3. From phone & server

as this is how my N96 behaves, I would check my N97 but I have given it to my brother, but I am certain it had the same options.

Originally Posted by daniel.gazda View Post
I would not consider it as a bug.
I'm thinking it is.
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
it's not a bug, it's a feature?? i don't think so...

when i check for email on my n900 i click "send & receive"...
emails will shown.
emails are still on the server.
i check emails with my pc, email were downloaded and deleted from the server.
now i check for emails on my n900 and the first shown emails are still on my n900.

i think this is not comfortable! so i have to delete my emails twice.

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yes, I agree that the modest client is completely feature-less ... I had some issues with "Send & receive" (before PR1.2) as well ... I had exactly these problems also on the E51, so I wasn't surprised and thought it's more an email provider fault
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Originally Posted by daniel.gazda View Post
I had some issues with "Send & receive" (before PR1.2) as well
I never had any problems before PR 1.2, infact emails work well for me, now they are unpredictable now.

Anyway, welcome to the forums Daniel

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