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Frustrated user here. Ready to give up on this idea. Trying to edit my conky.conf file. I have Leafpad and Midnight Comm. I have two sample Conky.conf files in emails on the device but they are HTML Code boxes from the forum.

I have found and copied the file /etc/conky/conky.conf to /home/user/MyDocs/conky.conf using Midnight Comm.

I figured out how to copy the text from the email.
I can open the file for editing in Midnight Comm.

I cannot figure out how to select all the text and replace it with the text on my clipboard (from the email).

How come the file system in the built-in file browser seems different then the one that I view in Midnight Comm? or Leafpad for that matter?

I am getting closer, but my inability to grasp this file system is giving me fits. I have limited, sporadic connectivity (deployed forward/USAF) which compounds the issue. It seems it would be just as easy as finding a file online and saving it in the location needed....

How do I get the text into the conky.conf file? This learning curve is steeper than I expected.

Posts: 131 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Michigan
I don't know if this is exactly what you are wanting but just copy and paste is done normally by;

In email just hold the shift key ( Up Arrow looking button ) and highlighting the desired text then hitting CTRL + C to copy.

Open your config file via leafpad if you want ( leafpad /etc/conky/conky.conf ) or any other way and hit CTRL + P to paste.

Maybe I am not understanding completely what you want.

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I appreciate this bijiont
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Originally Posted by Bijiont View Post
I don't know if this is exactly what you are wanting but just copy and paste is done normally by;

In email just hold the shift key ( Up Arrow looking button ) and highlighting the desired text then hitting CTRL + C to copy.
Awesome, thanks. I didn't actually know about that one.
Note to the OP, since I misread that, Bijiont does not mean the "Up Arrow" key, but rather the key on the bottom left of the physical keyboard, with an "up arrow" on it.
Originally Posted by Bijiont View Post
Open your config file via leafpad if you want ( leafpad /etc/conky/conky.conf ) or any other way and hit CTRL + P to paste.
Maybe I am not understanding completely what you want.
It's actually Ctrl+V to paste on Maemo and every other platform I've used.

Also, in any program where you're in an editable text field (e.g. not the e-mail reading view, more's the pity) you should be able to use the stylus to select, or alternatively use Shift+arrow keys from the current location, as on the desktop.

Regarding the filesystem, it is a bit messy, and I think there's a really good article on the whats, hows, and whys of it, but here's the boiled-down version for now:
Your phone has two internal storage areas, the on-board flash, and an eMMC (think of it as sort of like an eMMC/SD card soldered onto the board). The former holds the root partition, and the latter is split in three partitions. /home is mounted to a 2GB EXT2-formatted partition on the eMMC. Thus, /home/user, which has all of your settings and such, is on there. /home/user/MyDocs is what you actually (sort of*) see in the File Manager, and it's on a FAT partition that takes up most of the rest of the space on the eMMC (aside from the swap/virtual memory, which is on its own partition). /home/user/MyDocs is also what gets mounted over USB when you plug it into the computer in Mass Storage mode.
Sidenote: this means that any configuration, sensitive application data, etc., ideally won't exposed to any computer you plug it into, although your personal files still will.
The only other thing to note, really, is the renaming of things. The fancy "Documents" folder with the pretty icon in the File Manager is actually at /home/user/MyDocs/.documents, and likewise for the rest of that group, with the exception of "Camera", which is actually /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM (just like standard cameras). Note that .documents and the like are hidden files (anything beginning with a '.' is hidden on Linux, so both the terminal and most file managers will not show them by default. I've never used Midnight Commander, but presumably there is some sort of "Show Hidden files" option. Failing that, it is fairly trivial (I say "trivial", not "easy", so no offense) to copy it in the terminal; if you tell us where you put things, I or someone else can give you a couple of lines that will do it right away.

As for the learning curve being steep, I don't know your level of experience, but Conky is an old program from Linux/UNIX, which was never really intended to be "easy", primarily because the sorts of people who tended to use Conky already had the requisite knowledge. In this case, it sounds like the quirks of the phone are throwing you off more than anything else. The community has come up with a lot of great apps, but some of them are not intended to be end-user-friendly. If you want to get your hands dirty, we'll be happy to help you, though.

I hope this helps
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Bijiont and Jeffery,

That is what I am looking for, thanks for the input...going to try it after work today...

And Conky is great stuff. I appreciate the configuration file form of setup,

I was referring more to the difficulty in copy/paste (among other things) compared to other platforms.

I bought the thing to tinker with, so I expect it. Just difficult to figure things out and that gets me some times.

Thanks for the help, I believe I will get it the way I want it with those pointers.

Last edited by mattyparanoid; 2010-06-10 at 04:24.
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Good to hear. Copy&Paste is actually quite well supported on Maemo; or rather, it is overall a relatively standard Linux/X11 system, so it inherently supports the feature, but some apps are silly, like the e-mail app. In general, any actual interface widget that you can copy &paste from/to on the desktop will function equivalently here with the keyboard shortcuts at least, even if it doesn't have buttons for it in the menu. The other exception I can think of is the terminal, for which you must use the menu buttons, since Ctrl+C is used by the shell. (Ctrl+Shift+C and similar might work, as with many terminal emulators on the desktop, but the menu is probably easier in that you don't need three hands. :P)

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