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Posts: 10 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Is there any good SNES emulators for the n800? I have been using Drnoksnes, but the button layout drives me crazy. (is there a way to change the touch screen button layout?)

Also, are there any good N64 emulators for the n800?

Posts: 10 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010
I also have a logitech controller, is there any way to hook it up to my N800 so I can play games using it instead? (because the touch screen can't have two inputs at once)
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ USA
I don't think there are any SNES emulators for the N800 besides DrNokSNES - the other SNES9X-based ports don't really count. If your Logitech controller is USB, you can get a USB OTG adapter to hook it up to your N800. I believe there are several threads discussing it - do a forum search. Now for N64 emulation: there's Mupen64Plus, which was adapted for the N900 from the OpenPandora version, but you'll need an OpenGL->GLES wrapper to get the video accelerated. FWIW, I got Mario 64 running at 2 FPS on a 400MHz iPAQ with no 3D acceleration. If that ever gets to a playable speed, you'll still need a good controller setup.

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