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I picked up a n800 so I could manage my linux hosts while on the road in case of an emergency but I'm finding it to be unusable. I was able to enter red pill mode and install xterm and ssh just fine, and I can even connect without issue, but each command I type into the remote host takes a minute to process.

Anyone know of a solution to this problem?

Posts: 30 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007
How is the speed with:
ssh root@localhost
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2007
I don't know because I haven't reset the root password, however I did notice that if I have something running as a keep-a-live it works just fine. Anyone know of a way to disable the power saving feature while xterm is running?

Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Did anyone find a fix for this?

If I get a second terminal window to ping the N800 continuously then it works fine.
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007
You should be able maintain a connection with :

$ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes root@localhost
(default pw=rootme)

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Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2007
It turns out (at least on Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn) that TCPKeepAlive is on by default, but disabled with an interval of 0 seconds. So this works:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=1 root@your-n800s-ip-address

NB. I am trying to connect from a desktop to the N800, the orignal poster was trying to go the other way so YMMV

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