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danramos's Avatar
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Anything that makes it a WHOLE lot less likely that I have to tap, type or otherwise fidget around with my phone is a huge win in my book!

I just downloaded it now--seems to work pretty slick! Brings up another question--is there voice recognition on the N900 at all so far?

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Dave999's Avatar
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really nice. need to try it out. But more cool than usefull in my book.

EDIT: that guy looks like a cartoon!

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
really nice. need to try it out. But more cool than usefull in my book.

EDIT: that guy looks like a cartoon!
I dunno.. like I said, anything that helps me tap less or not have to type with a keyboard is a HUUUGE advantage, in my book.

Also, yes! I had that exact same impression! He totally looks like a Doug-type scrawny guy, right?
marxian's Avatar
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I think the usefulness of this feature is dependent upon the accuracy of the voice recognition. I have tried the voice search feature on my HTC Desire, and found it to be hit and miss. I personally will always prefer a hardware keyboard to other forms of input, due to the greater accuracy and control. It's nice to have voice recognition for certain activities, though.

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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
I think the usefulness of this feature is dependent upon the accuracy of the voice recognition. I have tried the voice search feature on my HTC Desire, and found it to be hit and miss. I personally will always prefer a hardware keyboard to other forms of input, due to the greater accuracy and control. It's nice to have voice recognition for certain activities, though.
I've been pretty impressed with how nearly perfectly accurate the voice recognition has been on my Droid under 2.2. I find that if I speak naturally with a natural flow, it works very nearly perfectly. (If I try to intentionally speak slower or something, it seems to throw it off, ironically.)
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I need this!!!
somedude's Avatar
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very nice feature I like it a lot, but the funny thing is if I speak to my phone while I am home it doesnot recognize anything. Because I am not talking in english.
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Can't wait to get this on my Captivate.
Posts: 248 | Thanked: 240 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Wiltshire, UK
Voice recognition is one of the things I thought I'd miss when I came to N900 from Symbian.

This post makes me realise that (for me anyway) VR is something I have in fact not missed, apart from showing off. The multiple homepages, touchscreen icons & widgets on N900 have mitigated the need for a VR application shortcut.

I could never get VR for contact selection to be consistent enough to be useful if there was any background noise (eg when driving).

I would be interested to see how Android might have improved VR, but cannot say that I have Android Envy in this respect.

Do you still need to press & hold a button to activate VR on Android? (no time to watch the video yet)

When VR is like it's portrayed on Star Trek TNG it'll be really useful, but until then I believe it's more of a gimmick than a tool.
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by NokTokDaddy View Post
Voice recognition is one of the things I thought I'd miss when I came to N900 from Symbian.

This post makes me realise that (for me anyway) VR is something I have in fact not missed, apart from showing off. The multiple homepages, touchscreen icons & widgets on N900 have mitigated the need for a VR application shortcut.

I could never get VR for contact selection to be consistent enough to be useful if there was any background noise (eg when driving).

I would be interested to see how Android might have improved VR, but cannot say that I have Android Envy in this respect.

Do you still need to press & hold a button to activate VR on Android? (no time to watch the video yet)

When VR is like it's portrayed on Star Trek TNG it'll be really useful, but until then I believe it's more of a gimmick than a tool.
I've had plenty of driving background noise with no problems in speech recognition so far. I mean--I really am impressed with how well it seems to work. I've seen it make mistakes, sure, and a severe amount of background noise will throw it off too--but then it doesn't seem any worse than when I'm talking to a HUMAN on the other side of the phone trying to understand me. So far, pretty spot on.

Activating it seems to only happen one way that I know of:
You can tap the Voice Search app icon to launch it

Near as I can tell, there needs to be some way to tap something to say, 'I'm giving you a command', otherwise (the Star Trek way, of just looking into the distance and saying 'computer!') you're being listened to constantly and that would be both problematic as well as a constant drain on the battery. I'm only slightly disappointed that the bluetooth heaset "voice command" button doesn't do it. Could at LEAST hack a little Starfleet badge to chirp at a touch for commands and then execute the speech command.

Last edited by danramos; 2010-08-13 at 17:52.

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