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Believe it or not, its actually possible, with native Java!

However, it doesn't run very well. I run mine at 900-950mhz, and get around 1.5fps on minimum settings. Good enough for doing boring stuff like fishing, but not much else. Don't even -think- about PVP.
Note: All credit goes to ethoxyethaan on the Runescape official forums. She also placed this guide in the public domain.

Here's how to do it:
1. Install p7zip-full and icedtea6 packages. I have extras-devel installed, so they may be there, or in testing. I'm not sure.
2. Open up a terminal, if you haven't already, and run these commands:
cd ~
wget -O $HOME/runescape.msi
7z e -o$HOME/rs_client $HOME/runescape.msi
7z e -o$HOME/rs_client/cabfile $HOME/rs_client/
mkdir -p $HOME/runescape/bin
mv $HOME/rs_client/cabfile/JagexAppletViewerJarFile.* $HOME/runescape/bin/jagexappletviewer.jar
mkdir $HOME/runescape/images
mv $HOME/rs_client/cabfile/JagexAppletViewerPngFile $HOME/runescape/images/jagexappletviewer.png
Now, it is installed. To run, you need to run this line:
/usr/bin/java -Djava.class.path="$HOME/runescape/bin/jagexappletviewer.jar" -Dcom.jagex.config=
 jagexappletviewer user/runescape/images
I suggest adding it to a .sh file for ease of launching.

Now, just wait for it to load; you should see a window named "RuneScape" appear and start loading.
...And that's it. Easy as pie! Sound even works right!

A couple of things to be aware of:
1. You can't get the screen any smaller than 800x600 fixed window, so you will have to scroll it. That's what the scrollbar on the right is for.
2. The world map may crash your system, or slow it down to the point of unusability. It loaded for like 5 minutes at which point I got bored, tried to close it by clicking a bunch, and ended up logged out of RS(but the client was still up)
3. While all the keys work, you have to -hold- alt/shift when pressing a key. Pressing alt or shift and -then- the key won't work.
Also, clicks sometimes don't seem to register right - Note that single-button-mouse mode is a good idea.
4. I can't find a way to get ` or ~, so no way to get the dev console, and find the real FPS rate.
5. If we could get OpenGL acceleration to work, we'd increase the FPS significantly. Unfortunately, I don't know what's needed there.
6. Because of the low framerate, this is almost a proof-of-concept and wouldn't be too fun for actual gaming. But hey, I think its the -only- 3D MMORPG that works on a mobile phone, and not many(if -ANY-) at that.

Thoughts, suggestions, comments or ideas?


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omg! Now I want mapplestory to work xD
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Please convey our thanks and appreciation to ethoxyethaan as well!
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Originally Posted by RobbieThe1st View Post
5. If we could get OpenGL acceleration to work, we'd increase the FPS significantly. Unfortunately, I don't know what's needed there.
6. Because of the low framerate, this is almost a proof-of-concept and wouldn't be too fun for actual gaming. But hey, I think its the -only- 3D MMORPG that works on a mobile phone, and not many(if -ANY-) at that.

Thoughts, suggestions, comments or ideas?

Doesn't interest me in the slightest, but at the same time its cool to see it available. As for point 5: Chances are it'd need OpenGLES compatability, if Runescape uses a graphics library of sorts for its OpenGL, you could try and see if there is recompile of the library for ARM/OpenGLES. Would not hold your breath for it to work though.

Point 6: Yeah it pretty much is, there is Mana World but that is only 2D.
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Besides this... have anyone been able to play any other Java games?

I'm specially interested in FreeCol.
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Most Java games -should- work, provided they can be run independent of the browser. The real issue is that I haven't found a browser that runs the (now available?) IcedTea6 java plugin.
In theory, you can do what was done with RS: Download the needed java files/loader, launch it the correct way, and it will run properly. But I'm no expert.

FreeCol... I'm looking into it. It -may- work, but may have some problems: It says it requires a 1024x768 screen.

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nice work Robbie but as u said @ 950 mhz i didn't try to overclock my phone and i don't wanna start now
what about porting mapple story it'll be awesome
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Originally Posted by AgogData View Post
nice work Robbie but as u said @ 950 mhz i didn't try to overclock my phone and i don't wanna start now
what about porting mapple story it'll be awesome
Well, it will probably work at 600... Its just going to be slower.
And, as I said, I didn't 'port' anything - I just put together stuff that was already there.

Also, MapleStory is Windows-specific and closed-source. Yea. Like that's ever going to happen.
The only possible way is gonna be through Wine + an x86 emulator, which is going to be slow.
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Ok, just did some testing.
At 600mhz, Runescape works. But its at <1fps, and takes a bit longer to load.
Still, might be worth messing with, just to see.
I also tested the BFS kernel-power version; It crashes the JVM during loading for whatever reason. Normal kernel-power(with CFS) works fine.

I just tested FreeCol. It "works" also, but performance is pretty poor(not very responsive). I assume its due to the OpenJDK version not being optimized for our ARM version. If someone can go ahead and make an optimized OpenJDK package, I'd be greatful.
If you want to test FreeCol yourself, here's what I did:
1. Download the .jar file from FreeCol's website.
2. Run it, note the folder it extracts things to.
3. Copy that folder to your N900(lets say you put the files inside ~/MyDocs/FreeCol)
4. Open a terminal, CD to your FreeCol directory, and type "java -jar FreeCol.jar"
5. It should launch. Intro video didn't play for me though.

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Thank you man!

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