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Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Just purchased a used n900 handset to replace my n97.
Put my current vodafone sim in (which is working fine) and turned the phone on.

The phone shows the sim card with red bar logo, will not make or recieve calls.
Also pressing *#06# dosen't reveal the imei number, it simply pops up saying imei: and then blank.

Same if i go to settings > about it dosen't say anything about the imei number.

From what ive read it needs to know imei before the sim will work?

Any ideas how I can sort this problem without returning the phone?
Is it a software fault I can solve with flashing or is it a hardware failure to send off to nokia?


Posts: 72 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on May 2010
i would say to send it back to nokia.... however try to flash it to see what will happen.

best of luck
Posts: 251 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Finland, Vaasa
There is imei also at the bottom of the phone when you take the battery off

14 digits

Also the phone must be under 1 year old. U should ask for the receipt from the seller

Last edited by mele; 2010-10-12 at 16:59.
Posts: 129 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Mboro - UK
2nd hand from where?
Posts: 376 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Could be a stolen or lost phone that has been obtained and sold on

However I could be very wrong
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
from a used seller on amazon. figured it might be the best place if i had to buy a used one from?

It came in its original box as well with the imei number on there, it just seems the phone cant read its own number?

Id really rather not send it back unless repairing it will cost me any money in which case I will.

anyone else had this?
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Ive just updated to the latest software, and now its stuck on booting up, wont get past the black screen with little dots.

i do hope i can get past these problems, it must surely be a better phone than the n97 i have working currently
Posts: 486 | Thanked: 251 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by bennyfreeman View Post
from a used seller on amazon. figured it might be the best place if i had to buy a used one from?

It came in its original box as well with the imei number on there, it just seems the phone cant read its own number?

Id really rather not send it back unless repairing it will cost me any money in which case I will.

anyone else had this?
Either your n900 or your SIM might be faulty.

Early on, a number of people with a new n900 could not get a SIM from a previous phone to work, but a new replacement SIM did work.

You might try borrowing SIMs from other people to see if they work or a new SIM from your phone company. Also making sure the SIM is in properly and reseating it are worth trying.

Since you did not see your n900 actually working before you bought it, it could be faulty.

If the n900 has had its firmware updated, then downgraded to a previous version, telephone functions (SIM, GSM) will not work. Otherwise, it is unlikely that there is a software cause for your trouble.
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Originally Posted by j.s View Post
If the n900 has had its firmware updated, then downgraded to a previous version, telephone functions (SIM, GSM) will not work. Otherwise, it is unlikely that there is a software cause for your trouble.
Really? I never heard/read this before.
Posts: 376 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Jan 2010
You could always buy one of those pay as you go sims, they are usually only about a quid and try one of those in the phone

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