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I'm not asking for any advanced stuff here, just a few basic things...

- Flash 10.1 support. I mean its so ridiculous to even ask for help on this.
- Ovi Map support. I can't explain my frustration when I see the extent of development on the symbian phones.
- Internet sync time-out. Why on earth can't the phone sync at regular intervals for all applications together or have sync intervals for all data apps? Why do I have to be always on or disconnected?

This is the first time in 10 yrs that I've been disappointed with Nokia. Please help...
Posts: 662 | Thanked: 653 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Symbian userbase is far bigger than the Maemo equivalent. Sygic appears to be the most popular alternative

Use Tweak Flash Plugin for Flash 10.1. If it doesn't work for your desired site, take it up with Nokia.

Your last problem was kind of hard to understand but I believe that you can use autodisconnect to assist you with this.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Unfortunately the Tweak Flash plugin doesn't work with the latest OS update. Have serched all over the internet for it.

The problem with Internet sync is that with MFE or FB or any other data application for that matter, I want it to go online only once or twice in an hr to update. As of now its an always on connection which completely kills the battery in a few hrs.
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The tweak flash plugin has been updated for PR1.3 (check the application manager for PR1.3 in the name).
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Originally Posted by shiv_prashant View Post
I'm not asking for any advanced stuff here, just a few basic things...

- Flash 10.1 support. I mean its so ridiculous to even ask for help on this.
True. And at least here. For workaround use tweakflash and for more please contact Nokia.

- Ovi Map support. I can't explain my frustration when I see the extent of development on the symbian phones.
Contact Nokia for feedback.

- Internet sync time-out. Why on earth can't the phone sync at regular intervals for all applications together or have sync intervals for all data apps? Why do I have to be always on or disconnected?
Probably possible if you learn scripting and combine it with schedule tools and automatic disconnection. I would try to harvest wiki for appropriate commands.

This is the first time in 10 yrs that I've been disappointed with Nokia. Please help...
Nice to know. I had massive crap today. Want to know more?

Help your N900? Help yourself
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ok, now I installed tweak flash player for pr 1.3. during installation notification error flashed:

" flash plugin size mismatch (6723876 vs 5459364)"

while trying to restore it showed below error:

" we're doomed ! unable to find backup ! if you have removed it, please restore the file to /home/user/MyDocs/ "

now i'm clueless again...
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Originally Posted by shiv_prashant View Post
I'm not asking for any advanced stuff here, just a few basic things...

- Flash 10.1 support. I mean its so ridiculous to even ask for help on this.
- Ovi Map support. I can't explain my frustration when I see the extent of development on the symbian phones.
- Internet sync time-out. Why on earth can't the phone sync at regular intervals for all applications together or have sync intervals for all data apps? Why do I have to be always on or disconnected?

This is the first time in 10 yrs that I've been disappointed with Nokia. Please help...

Unfortunately these are not basic things from a developer perspective.

Flash 10 is a political and financial issue between Adobe and Nokia, you probably wont see it on the N900/Maemo

Ovi-Maps works, but is obviously feature lacking - I'd just like to be able to add my own points of interest, then I'd largely be happy with it. Having said this, the code was a rewrite for Maemo according to Nokia, so it's more than probable you'll only see improvements with whatever the next hardware iteration happens to be along with MeeGo. (You may be able to run it on the N900)

I don't really quite understand what you mean with syncing - it's all quite customizable through configuration files, a few applications let you tweak things graphically - no way to escape the learning curve sadly - it'd be better if developers exposed these features more, I don't disagree there.

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